3rd Person POV
Atlanta, Georgia
Walking into the club, mari and trey looked over to see Rae on the dance floor rapping along to lifestyle by Rich homie quan and young thug while mar recorded laughing with the rest of the group
"Niggalivinglifeinthetoplikethebegginningg, or whatever he said" Rae said as he continued rapping along
Trey shook his head as Mari laughed, walking to the VIP section they seen strippers getting money threw on them and they could smell the weed as they passed by different people
"HAPPY BIRTHDAYYYYY !" lay yelled being the first person to spot Mari and Trey walking up, hearing lay yell the group looked over to see Mari and they also screamed happy birthday to him
"Preciate' y'all" Mari replied smiling as he sat down beside Trey who was smoking a blunt with Kaden and leaned back into the chair with his arm out
"Mari u taking shots tonight ion care ion care" lay said smiling at him, he lowly chuckled as Rae came over dapping him up while telling him happy birthday
"You seen me on the floor, I just know they ass was hatin'" he said referring to the rest of group
"Hell yeah I seen you rapping yo' own lyrics" Mari replied laughing
"Mmcht I'm telling you that's the way u gotta' rap em'." Rae said smacking his teeth laughing
"He ain't lying cause I still don't know what thug said to this day" Kayla said agreeing with him
"See even yo' sista know man" Rae said shaking his head
A bottle girl walked over coming into the section with a big bottle of Hennessy, patron, and 2 other bottles that costed 700 dollars each
"Order for Mari's birthday" she said as she looked over at Kaden who wasn't paying anybody no mind, in his own world with a blunt in his hand
"Yes that's us" Kayla said as she walked over getting the bottles and placing them in the middle of the section
"Oh she tryna get lit lit" mar said as he looked over at Kayla
"You wanna smoke this baby ?" Trey said into Mari's ear referring to the blunt as they were side by side, nodding his head, he took the blunt from out his hand putting it in his mouth
Trey watched him with low eyes as he wrapped his lips around the blunt and smoked it, releasing the smoke from out his nose he did it two more times before he looked over at Trey to pass it back to him to see him already looking at him with low eyes
"Here trey" mari said looking at him trying to decipher the look that was in his eyes, getting the blunt back Trey smoked it as everybody was in there own world talking amongst eachother
"You stay on my mindddd, in the morninnn, late at nightttt, on the jobbb, yeah you stay on my mindddd"
Eric Bellinger played in the club as Mari and Trey were the only ones still sitting in the section as the group was wondering around on the dance floor
"Thinkin bout you" Trey rapped along to the lyrics looking at Mari with hooded eyes who was leaning back into the chair with low eyes also from hitting the blunt again
Lay made everybody take at least 2 shots so they could get out there comfort zone and loosin up a bit
You can say Mari was enjoying him self and was coming from out his shell for his birthday

Thinkin bout you
RomanceTreyvon and Kaymari have been best friends since they were kids, while they are grown now and still bestfriends they start doing things that so called bestfriends shouldn't be doing together what happens when feelings get involved ?