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3rd person POV

Mari was doing his classes and trying to focus but couldn't.

It was 10:00 at night and he'd been up all day working on them. He'd been dozing off, tired but he wanted to finish one more class before going to bed.

The only time he got up was to go take his shower and do his hygiene and face routine and came right back to working on his class.

He looked up from the computer hearing his phone ring on his bed.

Sighing he got up from his chair pushing up his glasses and going to get his phone and see who was calling.

He had reading glasses but he never would go out with them even though he needed to.

Seeing it was his mom he answered while going back to the chair to sit down.

"Hey mama"

"Hey baby what you doing u look tired" his mom said as she examined the drowsy look on his face.

"Nothing much just been tryna finish up this class before I go to bed" he said while messing with his bracelet.

His mom knew about his lifestyle from the beginning, at first she wasn't to fond of the idea but later on she came around because she figured that he was a grown adult now and he makes his own choices.

She just wanted her son to be safe as every mother would.

"Who that is baby?" Mari's dad Darrell asked coming in the room eating .

He peeked in the camera to see it was his son.

"Oh hey son" his dad said while smacking in his mom's ear.

"Yea that sandwich ain't that good, move out my ear smacking like that Darrell". She said with a scrunched up face.

"Baby ain even smacking fr, tell her son" he said trying to get Mari to lie.

"You know u is pops" he said laughing while propping his phone up.

"Wow so u taking her side"

"Boy ain't no damn sides" she said while laughing at her husband.

"But back to what I was saying u need to sleep on it and finish that up in the morning baby".

"You do look tired son, I agree with what your mama saying". Darrell said while not having no idea what was going on.

Mari just started laughing knowing his dad was clueless.

"Don't even know what we talking bout, just agreeing" Mari said smiling

"Where my son at ?" Brandi asked referring to Trey.

"Ion kno' ma he probably sleep though" Mari said making a mental note to call him after this conversation.

"Yeah next time u see him tell him to come see us we miss him" she said while they were both smiling.

Trey was always around, they knew him since he was younger and Mari started bringing him around to his house so they could play the game or play outside.

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