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                      3rd person POV
                       *2 days later

"Man I wonder if the aliens looking down at us and thinking what the fuck do they be havin' goin' on" Rae said with his head slouched back into 2nd row of the jeep.

"Well what aliens you done seen that ion know about so I can get the fuck out of here" mar said sitting up from the 3rd row looking at him with wide eyes truly concerned.

"y'all don't need give these niggas no more edibles they get to acting ridiculous and just all over the place" lay said sitting beside Mya and mar in the third row looking at them while shaking her head, while on the other hand Mya couldn't stop laughing at them.

The group were on their way to kualoa ranch to have some fun and get out the house for a bit. Mya ended up finding out about it while she was on TikTok where she finds out a lot of things from.

"This is going to be so fun I'm glad I brung my camera out here so I record for memories" Mya said enthusiastically with a smile on her face ready to get there.

"Yes definitely ready for the ATV riding we're doing I can't wait for that" lay said agreeing with her with a genuine smile on her face.

Trey glanced over at Mari from the driver side watching him laugh remembering there conversation from last night

Last night

"Trey i can't keep doing this and pretending like this shit just normal man" Mari said as he moved trey from off him while sitting up.

"What u mean ?" He said sitting up as well while looking at him with furrowed eyebrows trying to figure out where this was coming from

"You know what I mean, the fucking kissing the rubbing th- just EVERYTHING !" He said raising his voice trying to figure out what was going on with him self.

"Baby stop thinking about it so hard and jus-

"AND THAT STOP CALLING ME BABY" he said cutting him off now standing up from off the bed

Trey just looked at him not knowing what to say, he couldn't say he blamed him for feeling how he felt

"Okay Mari you got that but what u not bout to do is raise your voice at me because I'm not raising mines at you, and I understand where u coming from but talk to me fucking normal" trey said as he stood up staying where he was so he didn't make him uncomfortable

Mari didn't know what he was doing he just felt as if it was wrong to feel like this about another man, he never been this comfortable with another man before even though this was his best friend

He also didn't want to lose the friendship because they've been through everything together and he didn't want to lose him

"Okay I just, i don't know Trey I can't do this and pretend like everything is okay like I'm not questioning things about myself that I've never questioned myself about before"

Trey watched him listening to him explain his feelings, he understood where he was coming from

"Ite' Kaymari i see where u coming from okay but don't start thinking to hard bout' this shit okay I don't want u going through no fucking silent battle tryna figure out what u doing and shit, so imma just fall back and things can go back to normal okay ?"

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