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                      3rd person POV

Mari looked in his closet again and again and again.

Still he couldn't find nothing to wear even though he had clothes that he hasn't even worn yet.

"Man atp I'm bout to go butt ass naked" he said as he jumped on his bed and laid out.

When this nigga Trey gone call me anyways it's been years.

He thought to himself as he turned around on his stomach picking up his phone while going to TikTok to scroll through it.

He got interrupted by his phone ringing and seen that it was his sister pressing the green answer button and putting it to his ear.

"Hell do yo ass want" Mari said while furrowing his eyebrows like she could see them.

"Excuse the fuck out of me"

"Your excused"

"Bit- betta be glad u my brother or else I'd come over there to kick yo angry ass"

"Yea ite' Kayla, u still want me to come around there to take bug to get his haircut tho ?" He said while laughing cause his sister was always threatening him.

"That's what I was calling you about, but no his daddy ended up getting off of work early so he took him" Kayla said into the phone.

"Ohh okay bet, how your day been goin tho" he said while messing with his hair.

"It's been cool can't complain I'm hungry asf though I might go by Zaxby's or chipotle I can't decide"

"Chipotle starting to get nasty man I would just gone with zaxabys" he said while making a nasty face.

"Oh nah baby it's just your order, you making your own bowl and we know you don't have taste so yo' shit probably is nasty" she said back smartly.

"Shutup Mari imma just go with Zaxby's, what u bout to get into though"

"Nun bout to go bowling with damari and them"

"That's why you mad cause u bout to go hangout nigga?" she asked matter factly.

"No i can't find no damn outfit and I'm getting pissed off"

He sat up on his bed while still putting the phone on speaker so he look in his closet again

"Boy I know you fuckin' lien, if u don't put on a sweat suit and hush I know something"

"See I was thinkin' that shit but it's gone be hot asf so no, and I'm tired of wearing sweatsuits anyways" he said while grabbing his phone off the bed and walking to his other room in the house to see if he could find something in there.

"But Trey suppose to be calling me to help me find a outfit"

"Omg I miss my baby brother, tell him I said hey when he come"

Kayla loved Trey like he was her real blood since he was always would come around to there house when they were younger, at first she thought he didn't like her because he always had a mug on his face but as they got closer she realized that was just his face and he was actually nice in his own way.

"Kayla that is a grown ass man talm bout your baby, youn' say shit like that to me"

"Kaymari please every time I try and call u my baby brother u get to acting like u disgusted or something"

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