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                        3rd person POV

Honolulu, Hawaii
May 16th

"You talk to mama today?" Rae said to lay as he was walking over to her as everybody was getting ready to go to the beach.

It was 7:45 at night and everyone was either just now getting up from there naps or was already ready and waiting to go

"Yeah she got to acting like she ain't wanna talk to me so I said keep that same energy drea and she talm bout and always do" lay said putting up fake quotation marks with her hands

"Mama tryna act brand new now" Rae replied laughing

"Yes her man done took her on a date and she don't know how to act"

"Not u saying her man like it's not dad lame ass" Rae said continuing to laugh

"Lame is right" lay said laughing while getting up to dap up Rae

"Look at y'all lame asses just lame" Mar said as he walked in the living room after he was done getting ready

"Oh mar baby we jump" lay said getting up from the couch walking up to him

"You know dat' tho" Rae said as he walked right behind lay while putting his set up

They started fighting as Rae got mar into a chokehold

"Say sum now nigga" Rae said whispering in mar's ear

Lay started softly punching him in the stomach as Rae was still holding him

"Yea I think he done now Rae" lay said as she backed away and got into a stance with her legs spread apart and holding her hands down with her chest out

"Nigga u not tuff, fuck is doing" mar said as Rae let him go

"Is, don't play wit big lay not the lil one"

Mar fake laughed as he quickly turned around and put Rae in a head lock laughing

"Now u say sum nigga" mar said bending down to his ear laughing

"Alright u got that one" Rae said taping on his hand to get up

"Imma get yo ass again just wait" rae said after mar let him up

"Yea okay"

Kaden walked through looking at the whole altercation just shaking his head

He walked into the kitchen, not even a minute later Rae walked in right behind him going to get his gummy bears from out the cabinet

"Wassup" Rae said going to dap him up

Kaden dapped him back up after getting his water from out the fridge

"So you going to the beach wit' us and shit"

Rae said trying to start conversation with him knowing Kaden didn't really talk to anybody but trey. As long as they've been around eachother they've never had a real conversation together, just small talk about work and that's about it

Kaden looked at him with a "duh nigga" expression because obviously he was going if he had his slides, shorts and no shirt on

"Okay okay I was just asking no need to get all offensive" Rae said being sarcastic

"Mhm you going" he asked leaning back on the counter with low red eyes from smoking 2 blunts not to long ago

"Nahhh I just asked u for no reason nigga" Rae replied

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