3rd person POV
Atlanta, Georgia
"Okay baby, what time you and trey gone come around here ?"
"About six mama" he responded as he put the phone on speaker and put it beside him on the couch while watching tv
"Okay don't u be lying to me kayma- matter fact put my other son on the phone"
Mari laughed while getting up and walking upstairs to see him on his bed rolling up out of a small black tray
"Hm" he said putting the phone on the dresser beside the bed as it was still on speaker
"Who dis is baby ?" Trey questioned as his eyes was on mari watching his every move as he sat down on the bed
"Kaymari why is it taking you so long to take the phone to him" brandi said on the phone
"Im right hea' ma" he chuckled looking at mari seeing the puzzled look on his face from his mom being inpatient with him
Hey baby how u been doing"
"I been doing good ma just been working and figuring things out"
"Mhm that's good you do that, and i heard about your shop and I'm proud of you baby, you've been working hard since i met you"
"Yes ma'am thank you means a lot coming from you" he responded
"Always bab- who that is honey" he heard in the background as brandi got cut off
"Its treyv- ohhh wassup so-
He heard some movement on the phone as it got quiet and he looked up to see mari shaking his head
"Now cut me off again while I'm talking" brandi said
"Okay baby I'm sorry but you ain't have to hit my shoulder, it bout dislocated"
"Don't be dramatic"
"Y'all embarrassing man" mari said as he lightly chuckled
"You acting like trey don't know this kaymari" darrell responded as he laughed with brandi
"But what y'all up to, hell y'all got going on ?" darrell questioned as he ate his watermelon out the bowl
"Nothing just chillin, i told ma we gone be by there in a lil bit" mari responded as he stood up and stretched
"Okay imma see y'all then, stay out of trouble and do good in y'all life never stop going yall kee-
"Darrell i think they get the message baby"
Trey and mari laughed as they said there love you's and see you laters
"Them two something else man" mari said as he crawled over treys legs to get to the other side on the bed, he leaned his head back on the headboard as trey got done rolling up
Lighting the blunt trey leaned his head back as he smoked it and blew smoke from his nose passing it to mari
He took it as began smoking it as well
"Push him again imma push yo' ass" rae whispered to the little boy as he picked bug up off the ground
Everybody was at the park either playing basketball or just talking, kayla brung bug and his friends there to play around so everybody decided to come with

Thinkin bout you
RomanceTreyvon and Kaymari have been best friends since they were kids, while they are grown now and still bestfriends they start doing things that so called bestfriends shouldn't be doing together what happens when feelings get involved ?