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3rd person POV

Mari woke up 2 hours later turning off the alarm clock he had set before getting ready to go to top golf.

He got up from bed and decided to do his hygiene before waking Trey up.

After he was done with his hygiene he walked out his room and started knocking on treys door which was right across from his room.

He didn't hear him say anything so he slowly opened the door to see if he was still sleep.

And he was peacefully


He still didn't move a inch after he yelled


"This nigga right here man"

Trey was always a heavy sleeper, at times he wouldn't be able to go to sleep at all and would stay up all night due to him thinking about his mom and life but when he did sleep it's like he didn't want to wake back up.

Mari opened the door all the way and  walked over to where Trey was laying in the bed and started tapping him

He still didn't budge

At this point let me check this nigga pulse

Mari thought as he started to shake Trey to wake up.

Trey started groaning and stretching out on the bed.

He opened his eyes to a frustrated mari and smirked, knowing it took him some time to wake him up.

"What shorty ?". Trey said in a deep tired voice to mari still standing there looking annoyed.

"Nigga wym what you told me to wake yo up ass up before we left to go to top golf come on and get ready" Mari said before walking out the room so Trey can get ready.

He got up and stretched while he started to shake and yawn.

"Whew I needed that shit" he said to his self out loud while walking to the bathroom.

Damn I done told pops I was going bowling whole time we going to top golf

He thought while brushing his teeth then deciding to take a quick shower

I need this bih steaming

He took his shirt off and was about to take the rest of his clothes off until he realized his body wash wasn't in the shower

this nigga here always stealing some shit

He walked out going to Mari's room to get his body wash

"Nigga you steal everything don't u ?" He asked as he entered Mari's room while he was buttoning his pants up

"What me ? Nooo" Mari said trying to take his self serious but instead busted out laughing

"Akekeke don't make me come give u that ass whoopin I owe yo' ass" trey replied back smirking at him.

"Nigga wassup"

"Square up den shorty"

Mari squared up and pulled his pants up a little bit

While Trey did the same

They started to play fight keeping up with eachother until Trey got Mari into a chokehold .

Mari started tapping out

"Alright I'm done nigga u got that lil one"

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