2. i miss you

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thursday may 18 2023
paige's perspective

"Azzi Fudd!" I scream across the apartment, urging my best friend, Azzi to come from the kitchen to my room.

"What do you want?" She hollers back.

"Just come in here please!" I scream, my vocal cords still a little bit fried from the concert we went to on Tuesday.

"I was about to take a nap, Paige." Azzi complains, walking into my room. "This better be good."

"I wouldn't say good, but it's definitely worth telling."

"Okay? What happened?"

"She's coming to UConn." I murmur.


"She's coming to UConn." I repeat.

"Who is she?"


"Taylor Jackson? The one from high school?"


"Holy shit."

"That's what I'm saying."

"Have you talked to her, since, you know?"

"I tried texting her at the beginning, but no response. I gave up like 2 months into my freshman year."

"Wait. Then how'd you find out she's coming here?"

"She posted it on her Instagram. And I guess she's friends with Caitlin, cuz she was commenting on the post."

"She's transferring from Iowa?"

"Yeah. I told her that she shouldn't go there when she first looked into it. I knew she wasn't gonna like it."

"Let me see her Instagram." Azzi reaches across the bed and grabs my phone from her hand.

"You commented?" Azzi asks when she sees the blue heart under Taylor's most recent post.

"What? It's not like I'm gonna see her."

Azzi scrolls a couple posts down and then lets out a blood-curdling scream.

"Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god, Paige."

"What? For god's sake, what?"

"She just liked your comment."

"You're joking. You're funny."

"No, Paige. I'm being serious." Azzi flips the phone around to me.


"Are you gonna text her?"

"I think I'm still a sore subject for her honestly. Seeing as she refused to talk to me after all of it."

"Maybe she's over it now. I vote that you do it."

"Azzi, I really don't think so. You didn't see the look on her face from when I left. What would I say anyways?"

"Just be like 'hey, I saw your instagram post. Text me if you need anything.'"

"Do you really think that's a good idea?"

"What's the worst that could happen?"


hey it's paige
i just saw your instagram post
text me if you need anything once you get here
i miss you
read 12:04

- - -

thursday may 18 2023
taylor's perspective

"Caitlin Clark!" I scream across the apartment, urging my best friend, Caitlin to come from the kitchen to my room.

Yes. That Caitlin Clark. My roommate this year was Gabbie Marshall, who's on the team with Caitlin, that's how I met her. Gabbie had roomed with Kate Martin the year before, but Kate moved out to go live with her girlfriend, Kenzie (who is super sweet by the way), and Gabbie had saw that I was looking for a roommate on Instagram and DMed me.

"What do you want?" She hollers back.

"Just come in here please!" I scream.

"What's up?"

"She just commented on my post."

"You're gonna need to be a little more specific."

"Paige did."

"Holy shit."

"That's what I said."

"You guys have been no contact for years though, right?"

"3 years."

"What did she say?"

"It's just a blue heart."

"How are you feeling?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, you haven't talked to the woman in 3 years and then she just comments on your Instagram post. You haven't seen her since, you know, and now she's here out of the blue."

"I don't know. You've seen her more recently than I have. What do you think?"

"When we played UConn this year, she was out with her ACL. I mean, she hasn't played all season, so the media's kind of ignored her."

"Damn. I didn't know that."

"Honestly Tay, you know her better than I do. You guys saw each other everyday for two years, this is more for you to think about."

My face goes white as I see the notification pop up. "Unless she texts me."

"She won't. A text is a completely different thing than an emoji on Instagram."

"No, Cait, I mean, like she just texted me."

"Nah. You're lying."

"Hey It's Paige." I read off. "I just saw your Instagram post. Text me if you need anything once you get here. I miss you."

"I miss you? Damn she's bold."

"In her defense, she tried to keep contact with me for a little bit after she left."

"And you what, just left her on read?"

"I think I had blocked, but I guess I unblocked her. Probably when I was drunk one night or something."

"Are you gonna say something back?"

"I feel like I have to, right?"

"You don't have to if you don't wanna. You probably won't even see her."

"With my luck? I don't know."


hey it's paige
i just saw your instagram post
text me if you need anything once you get here
i miss you
read 12:04

wow hi paige
i didn't know you still had my number
delivered 12:10

avery's note

short chapter bc im in a writing slump

ly all!

mwah kisses! 💋

mwah kisses! 💋

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