Reece's 16th

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It was the night before Reece's 16th birthday. He was feeling ecstatic mainly because he would get so much more freedom. In his mind he assumed roger wouldn't be forcing him to eat all that food, he wouldn't have to get Rogers approval to go out with his friends. (Roger would only allow him to go out with upper class people) Reece was craving the freedom for years.

Autumn invited to Mia to stay overnight so they could surprise reece in the morning. The girls sat up all night making banners,cards and decorations since Roger didn't bother to buy anything, he just saw it as a waste of money despite the fact Roger was the richest man in the town.

It was now the morning and Reece woke up the sound of Mia and Autumn running into his room and chucking confetti all over him. This was the first time in ages that somebody had ran into Reece's room for a good reason. The girls were so pleased to see a smile on Reece's face. The 3 spent a while just chatting before they all went to get ready for the day.

They all met downstairs and made pancakes for breakfast laughing and grinning just like they were all 8 and 5 years old again.

Reece and Mia planned to go to a nice restaurant but they were both on such high spirits and Roger went away on a last minute business trip ,they decided to have a party. They cleaned the hot tub, got the drinks in and messaged as many people as possible. shortly after, people began arriving and they were all having such a marvellous time.

Reece and Mia were dancing and in that moment everything felt perfect in that moment she felt it was right to say she whispered delicately in his ear "i love you reecey wait i meant reece" (she was still trying to hide the fact she was gay)Reece was in shock about this he didn't know how to respond, he loved her too but couldn't get the words out to say it back. so he said "actually i love you calling me reecey" She smiled back and carried on dancing but she felt so worthless.

Some drunk guy came bashing into them and Mia's head was in the hot tub. In that moment she wanted to crawl up into a ball and hide. Her makeup was all smudged she felt so hideous she covered her face and ran upstairs and stayed there for the rest of the party.

Reece thought it was odd that she never came back down. So he decided to go upstairs and talk to Mia. She was locked in his room and refused to let anyone in. Reece kept knocking repeating the same 4 words "Mia let me in" She stayed silent every time but as her boyfriend's voice began sounding more high pitched she realised she was upsetting him so she opened the door and let him in.

"What's wrong?" The blonde said Almost about to burst into tears she replies saying "look at me." with a confused expression he said "whats wrong"
"my makeup it all smudged away i look horrific you probably don't even like me anymore" Seeing his gorgeous girlfriend being so insecure really hurt reece he wished she saw herself the way he saw her. He tried his best to comfort her but when an insecurity is so deep no words will help a person get over it. Afterwards, Reece asked Mia to come back to the party but she refused to leave without any makeup on. He didn't want to feed into her insecurity but he wanted her to be happy so he went to Autumns room and asked to borrow her makeup. Mia dolled herself up again then the couple hand in hand went back to the party and had a great time.

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