Chapter 9

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[Yes, my little king!]

Beru, responding to Sooho’s command, asked in confusion again.

[But shouldn’t we attack those disrespectful bastards from behind if we want to kill them?]

“What are you talking about? We’re here to mine.”


Beru jumped up with foam forming around its mouth.

[No way, what are you talking about!?]

Beru couldn’t believe it.

What kind of situation is this!? With the tremendous and omnipotent power of the Shadow Monarch, he’s only using it for mining!?

[What does mining mean when we are at war with hundreds of millions of troops in the universe right now!?]
“I understand that, but my abilities are currently weakened, and I only have three weak goblins. We need to be realistic. Even my father would have done the same when he was weak, right?”

[But, but…]

“And you also told me last night.” Sooho recalled the conversation he’d had with Beru yesterday.


On the way back home after being discharged from the hospital, Beru spoke seriously.

[My little king, the mission given to us can be summarized into three main points.]

Despite his small size, the content of Beru’s words was grandiose.

[First, we must protect Earth from the monsters of the outer universe.]

“You mean we have to go into dungeons and hunt magic beasts?”

[Yes, Little King. As you level up by hunting magic beasts, Earth will become safer as you become stronger. And second, we must find a way to locate the missing Lady Haein.]

“Yeah, I see. But do you have any idea how to find my mother’s whereabouts?”

[Unfortunately, I do not. But if we keep hunting those outer universe creatures, we may stumble upon some clues, right?]

In the end, it was also about going into dungeons.

[And third, this is the most important.]

Beru blinked and pointed to himself.

[I must regain my strength as soon as possible and return to the battlefield where my liege is. The balance of the war, which was already tense, would have undoubtedly been compromised by my absence as a key force.]

At this point, Sooho was curious. The small form of Beru now was just a means to conserve his strength, and his true form and power were like a living nightmare.

With such tremendous power missing from the battlefield, Sooho couldn’t even imagine how the direction of the war might have changed.

“How can you regain your strength?”

Beru’s lips stretched into a wicked and sinister smile at the question.

[Naturally, by eating.]

It was a smile that was incredibly wicked and sinister.

Beru remembered the queen of ants in the fragments of a long-forgotten world.

– Let’s create the strongest soldier.

The queen needed the strongest soldier to rebuild her crumbling kingdom, destroyed by humans, and lead its inhabitants.

After half a year, the queen finally gathered all her power and resources to conceive a single life. The queen’s determination to create strong soldiers and the ancient order to annihilate all humans combined, resulting in the birth of a monstrous creature that surpassed common sense.

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