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Media: Dilemma - Green Day

I carry my stuff into my dorm. It isn't that much, but my dad teased me for bringing so much clothes. When I got to Cheonjangwan, the dorm building, the RAs told me I'm in room 214. I opened the door and saw my roommate. He's probably four inches shorter than I am and smiling more than anyone should when they get to school.

"Hey," he smiles, "I'm Seo Changbin, second-year and composition major."

"Hwang Hyunjin, first-year and architecture."

"Oh, cool. Architechture is a really interesting field. You must be smart to be majoring in something that has a lot of math."

"Haha, no, I'm just here for the creativity. I'm hoping to be an interior designer."

"That's still pretty cool."

"So is composition. I've always had an interest in music. I did a lot of musical stuff in highschool. I went to SOPA."

"Music is really cool. I always wanted to be a rapper, but I figured I could live closer to my family as a composer than if I were an idol or something. Don't tell her I said this, but I'd really miss my sister if I went on tours."

"You have a sister? Lucky, I don't have any siblings."

"It's a gift and a curse," He laughs, "I'm sure you've heard how older sisters can be."

Just then, our last roommate walks in the door. He's between my height and Changbin's, and he's got lighter hair. He leaves his suitcases in the empty closet and plops himself down on a bare mattress, seemingly for a nap.

"Hello?" I inquire, "What's your name?"


"Ah," I nod, "I'm Hwang."

"Hyung," Seo sighs, "Come meet the freshie. He's going into architecture."

"Can't, Binnie. Too tired."

He shakes his head, "We'll go out for barbecue tomorrow. You two can meet each other properly then. He's a choreography major, and he's always training. He's even got a side-gig helping choreograph at JYP."


"Yeah, he even helps out with the trainees sometimes. That's why he's going into choreography. He'd be able to spend more time helping the trainees and other groups with choreo. He really likes helping with all that stuff. It's one of his passions, I guess. I couldn't imagine Lee without dance."

I smile, "You two must be close."

"He was in my dorm last year too. We got along pretty well. We had another friend that was gonna room with us this year, but he ended up transferring last minute. It worked out then, 'cause now we have you. Glad you're off the waiting list?"

"Yeah, I was worried that I would have to commute. I know it's only an hour, but still. That's an hour I could be using to sleep or to study."

"I get that. Where are you from?"

"Gangdong. You?"


"Ah, I see. You're a little further, then."

He nods, "Do you have icebreaker events tonight? I can show you where they might be if you need."

"Thanks," I check my watch, "There's something in twenty-five minutes at one of the theaters, I think."

"A or B?"

"Um," I look at the text group on my phone, "B."

"Oh, that's not too far," he smiles again, "Let me walk you there."

I nod, "Thanks."

We put our shoes on and head out. Down two flights of stairs and into the street. It's cooled down a bit, so I pull my sleeves over my hands.

"It's just in that building over there. They'll probably have signs directing you to the right place, but I'll come with just in case."

"Thank you, hyung."

"Of course," his little upside-down smile makes another appearance.

We get to the Art Theater building and find signs that direct me to the icebreaker event. When I get there, I find a pretty full auditorium. The furthest back rows of seats are already filled as much as is comfortable, so I sit in one of the middle rows.

A guy who is sat a seat away from me leans over, "Hey! I'm Han Jisung! What's your name?"

"Hwang Hyunjin. What's your major?"

"Music composition."

"My roommate is in his second year for that."

"Really? That's cool. You'll have to introduce us so I can copy his notes."

"Haha, sure. You might meet anyway, but I'll introduce you. Where are you from?"

"Incheon, you?"


"Oh, you're so far from me."

"Are you in a dorm?"

"Yeah, are you?"


"We're right across from each other! I'm in room 215!"

"Oh, cool! We'll probably see each other a lot, then."

"Mmm, I'm doing a horror movie marathon next weekend. My roommates both agreed, if you wanna join."

"What years are your roommates in?"

"They're both first years, but one of them is from China."

"Huh, my roommates are in their second and third years."

"Feel free to invite them too! One of my roommates promised to make brownies."

"Then, I'll have to come. Brownies are super good!"

"Speaking of Felix, where is he?"


"Yeah, he's from Australia."

"Oh, your roommates are from all over. I didn't realize how many countries were represented here."

"He's full Korean, just born and raised in Australia-- Oh! There he is! Felix! Over here!"

Han waves furiously to a pretty blond boy with freckles. Felix makes his way over to where we're sitting. He sits next to me and leans over to greet Han.

"Hannie, have you seen Zhang? I was looking for him on my way over here; that's why I was late. He wasn't in the dorm."

Han shakes his head, "He wasn't with you?"

"No, hopefully he made it here. It wasn't too far from the dorms."

"So you're the brownie guy?"

Felix laughs, "That's one way you could put it, I guess. Yeah, I'm Felix. I'm from Australia and majoring in music composition."

"Wow, it seems like everyone is," I laugh in lonely interior design.

The rest of the evening goes pretty quickly. I didn't get a chance to meet Zhang yet, but I'm sure he'll turn up eventually. I met several others who share the same major as I do, so, hopefully, I'll be less alone 🥲.

When I get back, Changbin is eating a bowl of ramyeon, and he stands to greet me. Lee is sleeping on a now made bed.

"You want some? I can whip up some more."

"Nah, that's okay," I smile, "Thanks, though. I should get to sleep, so I can wake up tomorrow."

"Okay, do you want me to turn off the lights? I can eat in the lounge."

"Nah, it's fine. I've gotta get my teeth brushed and stuff still."

By the time I'm ready to go to bed, Changbin is done eating. I pull my phone out and check my messages.


Mom: have a good time, honey 🤩☺️

Hyunjin: Thanks, Ma. I will

Not Into You; ChangjinWhere stories live. Discover now