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     I wake up to the crinkling sound of tissue paper. When I open my eyes, I see Minho stuffing two gift bags.

     "Good morning," I yawn, "What's all this?"

     "Han's birthday was yesterday."

     "Two gifts?"

     "Oh, Felix's birthday is today."

     "That's nice of you. I didn't realize you were that close."

     "No, I just wanted them to know that I'm here if they need me."

     "Aw, tsundere sunbae's secretly nice?"

     "I'm not being nice. It's just my job to like... Be there as a senior for them," he adds a card to each bag, "And I'm not tsundere."

     "Well, my birthday is March 20," I grin, "In case you were wondering."

     "I wasn't," he puts his shoes on, "I probably would've found out sooner or later."

     "I was, though," Changbin says as he gets out of bed, "And Minho, you're definitely tsundere."

     "I show affection..."


     "Just the other day I let Han cry into my shoulder... And I helped him when he sprained his ankle."

     "Interesting, this must be a new start for you this year."

     "Fuck you," Minho smiles, and leaves.

     Changbin rolls his eyes as Minho leaves, "You have class first block?"

     I shake my head, "It's Sunday."

     "Oh nice, wanna head to the caf to get breakfast?"

     "Yeah, gimme a minute," I get out of bed and brush my teeth. While I'm brushing, I put on a black midi and a black and white sweater that has argyle details. I spit and rinse and put on some combat boots. After a last minute glance at my reflection, I throw my black hair into a messy bun.

     "Looks good," Changbin grins, "Didn't have to do all that for me."

     I smirk, "Oh yeah, it was definitely for you and not just cause I wanted to."

     He nods, "Let's go."

     We head downstairs and across campus to the main hall. That's where the caf is. They're serving budae jigae. It's super good, but I like soups in general.

     "I make a killer kimchi soup when I have the resources," Binnie says suddenly.

     "Oh? Why don't you prove it?"

     "I will if you want me to. When?"

     "I mean... I was mostly joking."

     "Oh," he laughs, "Still, I could make it for you sometime. I like sharing food with people."

     "We'll see," I smile, "This soup is pretty good too, though."

     "Mm," he agrees, "I wanna go shopping."

     "Shopping? Let's do it."

     "No no no, I was just saying. I wasn't trying to hint at anything."

     I laugh, "I didn't think you were. I just meant that we should do it. Sounds like lots of fun."


     "Yeah, I mean, I like shopping to. Let's go," I stand to clear my tray.

     "Cool," he joins me, "What stores do you like? I'm not familiar with this area of Seoul."

     "Nor am I, but we can probably Google something."

     "Yeah, probably."

     We head back to our dorm to get Bin's keys. He forgot them when we left earlier, but he wanted to show me his pride and joy. When we get to the parking garages, he leads me to a black, 2017 Kia Stinger. The same one I drove when we went out for drinks.

     "I spent a fortune on this baby, but it was worth it."

     "Yeah? Did you name it?"


     I nod, "That certainly fits."

     "Let's go. You wanted that one mall?"

     When I open the passenger door, I'm greeted by deep red, suede seats that compliment the darkness of the rest of the vehicle well. I sit down, and he enters the mall into the gps and starts driving. It's a pretty smooth ride; he's a good driver.

     "Raven is really pretty."

     "I'm glad someone agrees. All my family could tell me was how stupid a financial decision it was."

     "Well, probably that too, but that's not my business. You seem to be holding your own anyway. What do you do for a living?"

     "I help smaller artists produce their music."

     "What? That's so cool. Like, do you have a label or..."

     "Yeah, but it's really small."

     "What's it called. I should follow your socials. I'll help promote it."

     "SpearBEntertainment," he says.

"Oh, that's cool," I pull it up on my Instagram, "Wait, you signed I.N?"

"Yeah, you know him?"

"I heard about the lawsuit from his previous label. It was a lot of drama. His whole group quit."

"Yeah, it was really hard for him."

"I feel bad because they had so much potential."

"He'll get better treatment under SpearB, that's for sure."

"Why is everyone in my dorm so cool? Minho works for JYP, and you've got your own label."

"You're cool too. Wait, actually... Can I commission you to do a mural?"

"What? Where?"

"We're moving into a new building, and it could use some pizzazz."

"Are you sure you have time to be at college while this is happening?"

He shrugs, "It's fine. It's not like I have meetings every second. There's a reason why I'm barely at the dorms after school, though."


"What about you? Do you have a job anywhere?"

"Uh, nope. Full-time student."

"Again, there's an empty wall we wanna fill up, and I could commission you to paint it."

"I'd have to see the space before I agree. Need to know how inspired it makes me."

"Need to know, need to know, baby," Bin hums, "Wanna just head there now?"

"I thought you wanted to go shopping?"

"I did. I do; however, I also want to show you our new building. I say building... It's just the ground floor of an office building, but still. It's new, and we need our personal touch."

"Are you allowed to paint it?"

"The owner gave us permission."

"Let's go, then."

"You sure you didn't wanna like... Shop?"

"We can always go shopping afterwards. Let's just go see the mural. This way, I have more time to think about it."

Bin nods, "Alright."

Not Into You; ChangjinWhere stories live. Discover now