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     "Wake up, dumbass," a voice rouses me from my dreams. I open my eyes to see Lee looking down at me, "Why are you in my bed?"

      I yawn, "I don't know... What time is it?"

     He checks his phone, "10:15."

     "Shit," I mumble, "I have class in fifteen minutes."

     I stand up and instantly regret it. It feels like I dropped a dumbbell on my face. How much did I drink last night? Probably too much, since I don't really remember.

     Lee whistles at me, "Those are some cute boxers."

     I look down and realize that I'm standing in my hot pink boxers, "Of course. Why would I be clothed?"

     "Good luck," he smirks, and leaves to get to his own class.

     I scramble as best as I can to change and wind up only a couple minutes late to class. However, these couple minutes were enough for the teacher to notice. I wound up ruining my perfect attendance on day two of the semester, but at least I got it over with. That way, I don't have to stress about it later, right? 

     I'd probably remember more of my class if I hadn't had this aggressive headache pounding into my brain the whole time, but it is what it is. When I get out of class, I head straight to the caf for lunch. I fill my tray and head to a random, empty, circle table. I look up to see Hyunjin sitting down across from me.

     "Hey," he smiles, "Want some electrolytes?"


     "For the hangover."

     "Oh, was it obvious?"

     "You're squinting a lot like the light is painful. Plus, you're moving really slowly, and you look like you didn't have much time to dress. Oh, and, I dunno, you were absolutely wasted last night."

     "Ah, right. I'd almost forgotten," I roll my eyes, "I'll take something if you have anything for the hangover."

      He hands me a seltzer and smiles, "Hope you feel better."

     "Thanks," I look up at him after dropping it into my cup, "About it looking like I didn't have much time to dress... It's not that bad, is it?"

     He shakes his head, "Mostly just a bedhead. Did you brush your hair?"

     "No, I didn't even think about it."

     "May I?" he reaches over, and I nod, "You have really soft hair."

     "Thanks," I smile, "My sister always said that my hair was better than hers was."

     "Haha, you seem to really love your sister."

     "She's always been there for me. I mean, obviously, we've had our moments, but she's like... super cool."

     He smiles, "Too bad it didn't rub off."

     I roll my eyes, "You're just jealous."

     "I actually am a little jealous," he replies, "I already told you that I don't have any siblings. I always wondered what it would be like. Having a sibling is like... having an automatic friend forever. You've got someone there for you, whether you like it or not."

     I nod in agreement and just wait for him to finish straightening my hair. It's really soothing for my headache to have someone else touching my head, as strange as it sounds. Just generally relaxing.

     "There we go," he smiles, "Not perfect, but it doesn't look half-bad."

     "I'm a pretty princess?"

     He laughs and nods, "Yep. For sure."

     We continue eating our food. That's one thing I cannot complain about. The food here is really good. Granted, I like food in general, but this stuff is actually tasty. I look to see how well Hyunjin is enjoying it. He pulled out the carrots from the rest of his food, but he seems to like everything else. 

     "Is it yummy?"

     "Yes," he nods and smiles at me.

     By this time, I'm finished eating. I'm just waiting so that Hyunjin doesn't have to finish eating alone. I hate eating alone. Food just tastes better when you're talking with your friends. I'm not really sure why, but it's true.

     "What made you choose architecture over regular art?"

     "I sell my paintings and stuff already. It's easier to get into interior design if you have a degree. I don't need a degree to be a painter."

     "Well, keep painting. Your style is really cool."

     "No, I'm still learning."

     "Seriously, even your practice painting from yesterday was super cool. I can't wait to see some of your actual stuff. You'll have to show me sometime."

     "I painted a sunflower for my mom. She really likes it."

     "Do you have a picture of it?"

     He shakes his head, "It's not the same. I can show you some of my sketches later, though, if you'd like."

     "That would be super cool."

     He rubs his face with both hands in an attempt to hide the rosy tint that crawls over it.


     He stands, "I'm gonna go put my tray away."

     "I'll come too."

     "I'm not used to people being so genuine about my art," he explains on the way to the dish disposal area, "Usually, they say stuff like 'I wish I could do art like that' or 'you should paint me', and I know it shouldn't but it annoys me a little. That sort of compliments feel less... honest."

     "Huh," I pause, "I get that."

     After we've cleared our trays and put them on the conveyor belt thingy, we each go to our own classes. Thanks to the seltzer, I'm able to focus on class, but thanks to the person who gave it to me, I have a new distraction. Even if I got a little side-tracked, I made it through another school day. Yay me!


A/N: I hope you're enjoying it so far. :)

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