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     "Hey, Jinnie," I say after I get back from a meeting. Even though it's Saturday, I've gotta have meetings to account for all my missed time while at school, "Wanna go shopping or something? I need to get Minho something for his birthday this week."

     "We'll just go out for drinks tonight. It's fine," Hyunjin replies, "You can get the cake, though. I already told him we're going, so don't worry about it."

     "Oh, alright," I smile, "Who all is coming?"

     "I'm at least inviting Han," he grins, "But you know more who he's friends with. Should we invite Zhang?"

     I nod, "We'll invite Zhang and Jiwoong. Wait, what's the date today? The twentieth? Shit, do you think it would be okay if I brought someone? I was gonna have a meal with one of my clients."

     "I mean, as long as Minho is okay with that. We could probably go tomorrow instead, but I dunno if I wanna drink on a Sunday. That didn't go well last time." 

     I laugh, "You didn't enjoy it?"

     "It's not that. Just that I missed first block that day."

     "Ah, I see. Oh, we should invite Felix too."

     "Yeah, but will that be okay if you're bringing I.N? I mean... we'll probably have to do karaoke instead of just regular drinks for his privacy. I just mean 'cause Felix is a huge fan of I.N... 

     "Yeah, it should probably be fine, but I'll ask him. He likes meeting his fans, though. Felix won't be weird about it."

     "Mm," he nods, "Let's go out and look at cakes, though."

     "You mean this one isn't good enough?" I strike a pose.

     He covers his eyes, laughing, "Whyyy??"

     I hide my face in instant embarrassment, "I'm a nineteen year-old man. I'm a nineteen year old man. Send help."

     Hyunjin claps as he laughs, "No, it's funny."

     I stand and put my shoes on, "Let's just go."


     "There's a dessert shop across the river. It's a forty-five minute drive."

     "Come on!" I grin and grab my car keys, "Let's go."

     After we get into the car, Hyunjin asks, "Can I choose the music?"

     I don't really like sharing that privilege. It's easier to drive when it's my music, but he's probably got a really good taste in music. I mean, he's got a good fashion sense, so... But my music.

     I hand him my phone, "Yeah, absolutely."

     "What's your password?"

     "Oh, um--"

     "Or do you wanna just do fingerprint?"

     "Nah, that's okay. It's, uhh... Woojae."


     "Like the actor."

     "Oh, cool. Do you have premium?"

     "Yeah, I got the trial and got hooked. The ads were unbearable otherwise."

     "I feel that," he laughs, "Ooh, your playlists are good. Lots of good hip-hop stuff."

     "Thanks, what do you usually listen to?"

Not Into You; ChangjinWhere stories live. Discover now