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     It's been three days since Lee Know's birthday party, and I can't stop thinking about him. We haven't really talked at all since that night, but I don't fucking remember anything except the kiss. After that, they ordered drinks, and, even though I wasn't trying to get wasted, I ended up having more than I wanted to.

     All I know is that he'd best wear those leather pants sometime again. They're fucking hot.

     I stretch my arms and lean back on the sofa, closing my eyes. Three more days of precious vacation time, but I'm wasting them all thinking about what I left at school. Well, I wouldn't say wasting. The thoughts I've had have been great to say the least, but seriously... I should really be thinking more about how the balls I'm gonna tell my family about Minho.

     My parents would be fine with it. They were fine with Jihoon, but neither of us have told Grandma yet. Our aunts are pretty traditional, and my parents said it might be better to just let it go without ever telling Grandma. She's old; let her go in peace or something. I dunno, but it's frustrating. I want her to love what I love too. I want her to love what Jihoon loves.

     "Yah," Ji kicks my shin gently, "What are you thinking about? You're not normally this quiet."

     "Aish, you're just worried that I'm plotting your downfall," I sneer, "As if I would tell you."

     "Channie said he wants to get dinner next week with me. He said to ask if you wanted to come too."

     "Ew, I don't want to third-wheel."

     "You're not dating someone yet? What are you even doing with your freshman year?"

     "It's not that I'm not trying. We just haven't actually gone anywhere yet."

     "What do you mean? You have someone in mind?"

     "Well..." I look down, "I wasn't gonna tell you yet, but yeah... He's a third-year."

     "Oooh, cute. Does he go to K-Arts? What's his major? Does he have a job?"

     "He's a dance choreography major, and, yeah, he does. He's an intern at JYPE and helps with the trainees."

     "Wow, that's so cool," he sits down next to me, "What's he look like? Does he have dyed hair?"

     "No, nothing like that. I'll show you a picture," I pull my phone out and show him a selfie that Min and I had taken at karaoke, "Here."

     "Ooh, he's hot. I mean, not like Chan, but still."

     I swipe to the video that Lix took of our duet. It was I.N's song, "Hug Me". He's carrying the dance department, but it was so fun. The whole duet was Felix's idea, I think. I mean, I don't really know the song, but I'd guess so. Either way, Minho's voice was angelic.

     "Omo, he's got leather pants on? For you?"

     "No," I flush, "I gave them to him because Felix accidentally dropped the cake on his lap."


     I laugh, "Yeah, it was really funny."

     "That's amazing. Why don't you have a video of that?"

     "It was embarrassing for them. That would be so mean."

     "But it would be funny," he grins, "When are you gonna ask him out? Does he like you back?"

     "I don't know," I look down, "I mean, I'm pretty sure he likes me back, but like... I don't know if I'll ask him out. I might just wait-"

     "What makes you think he likes you?"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18 ⏰

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