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Media: Hyunjin

     Class is long and exhausting, but I somehow survive. A lot of it was just orientation stuff, so the fact that it was already this tiring was a little worrisome; however, that's a problem for tomorrow me. When I get back to the dorms, I do some of the homework I got (the fact that they assigned stuff on the first day is wild), and I start a painting at my desk.

     "Whatchya doing?" Seo-hyung's voice asks from behind me.

     "Painting. It calms me down."

     "I guess you've had a pretty stressful weekend. How's it going?"

     I shrug, "I dunno. It's going, I guess. You?"

     "I only had one class today, so it's pretty good. How many did you have?"

     "Lucky, I had three."

     "Oof, that's rough," he ruffles my hair, "Hope you recover from that."

     "Barbecue still on?"

     He nods, "I'll text Lee about it."

     "Should we make a group text?"

     "Good idea," Seo smiles, "I'll get it set up, 'cause I have both of your numbers."

     "That makes sense," I look down at my painting. It started as a practice on perspective- just roughing out the things on my desk; however, it's turned into more of an abstract piece. The shapes of the things on my desk are portrayed as more warped and grim than they really are. I guess it's reflecting my mental state right now. I sigh and crumple it up.

     "Hey, that looked really cool," Changbin says, "Why'd you do that?"

     "I didn't like it. It was just practice anyway."

     "What good is practice if you can't look back at it to reflect?"

     I shrug, "Just reinforcing muscle movements."

    "Can I have it?"


     "If you're gonna throw it away anyway, can I keep it?"

     "I guess so," I hand him the wad of paper, "It's probably a bit smeary, now. It's watercolor. Wasn't dry when I crinkled it."

     He opens it up, "Oh, that looks super cool. The folds add a lot to the oppressive personality of the painting."

     I look at it, "I guess they kinda do. I'm glad you like it."

     He walks over to his desk, pulls out a journal, and closes the now dry painting inside the cover. He sets the book back into its drawer and returns.

     "One man's trash is another man's treasure."

     "I guess so," I smile, feeling better about the painting. Painting is an outlet of emotion for me. It shouldn't surprise me when the paintings I do while stressed out have a less happy mood. It's just annoying to be able to have solid evidence of my sour moods.

     "Hyung says he'll meet us there. Are you ready for the best barbecue you've ever had? I'm crazy-good at grilling it."

     "Absolutely," I feel a grin take over my face, "Let's go."

     When we get to the barbecue place, a server leads us to a table. Lee is already sat down, waiting for us. He's scrolling on his phone, but he looks up when he hears us approach the table.

     Changbin sits down in the bench across from Lee and pats the space next to him, "You can sit by me, if you'd like."

     I sit down, "Thanks."

Not Into You; ChangjinWhere stories live. Discover now