Chapter 10

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Tia's PoV:

It's Monday, now I have to go to school. How fun I am I wrong or am I wrong?

I sigh and get out of bed, I look at the mirror and shrug. I'm not one of those girls who look in the mirror and get depressed because of what I see, but im also not one of those girls who thiks the gorgeous, I like my body.

I go to the bathroom and do wash my face, brush my hair and teeth. I walk back to my room and change my clothes then put on mascara and eyeliner. I lick my lips and grab socks. 

I run down stairs and grab a apple, I take a bite out of it as Julia and Olivia come out of their rooms. Olivia looks nice and Julia now makes me feel inscure.

I watch as Julia eats a apple and Olivia scarfs down her rice crispys.

I grab my penny board after saying my to Olivia and Julia, even though I only got a glare from Julia.

Will she ever even like me? cause like dafuq!

I then realize I'm only wearing socks, I go back to the house and put on shoes then check if I have everything. 

skip to lunch,

Elise and the other girls wave me over and when I get up their I realize their all blocking something from me and see a tall, smiling toothy eyebrowed, Gilinsky grinning his grinny smile.i jump on him, and well, hug the living life out of him. Just because he's my best-friend's brother doesn't mean he wasn't like mine.

Then someone taps my shoulder and I turn around to see a even grinny-er smile that belongs to my bffl.

I smile almost as big, and she jumps on me as I spin her around.

We eat our lunch out side just us like the old times, I may have lots of friends here, but I can't tell them things that I can tell JJ, she is my best friend in all reality because at the end of the day she will always be there for me. I smile at the thought and turn to my left, I drop my sandwich and run back into the lunch room and see Shawn as tears run down my face blocking a little bit of my vision and run to his arms while I here JJ running after me.

"he did it,.. I thought he was mine and I...... I was his but he... he.." I say but cut my sentence of by a sob.

"woow Tia whats wrong?" Shawn asks while rubbing my back.

"Ashton cheated on me, he, was making out with Madison" (Katie) I say and sart to shake as the tears fall down my face.

I look up at Shawn to see him with a stone mad, face. He cares that much? hhmm maybe he does like me why can't boys show their emotions better, I mean girls aren't better but like mixs signals are soo confusing. Like Ashton I don't know if he even likes me anymore.

------At home-------

I flop on my bed and silently cry, what has my life came too? crushing on boys one minute and then crying over them  next. I should only cry over tfios like bruh????

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