Chapter 2

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(I don't know much about Canada srry if I get things wrong.)

Tia's Pov:
"Hey Julia" I say

"Whatever. Listen, at school we don't know each other OK! I don't care if you don't know your way around. Find out for yourself." She says and sashays out of the room.


Some random people come into the house and start screaming and having fun.

I walk out to the living room.

When did these people get here?

Someone turns the music up louder. Olivia comes down the hallway.

"Hey Liv, what's going on?" I ask

"Oh that's Julia, she when moms away usually has people come over"

"Oh, well where's your mom now?"

"She's at work"

I walk back too my room and sit down on my bed.

I take a deep breathe in and sigh, this is my life now better get used to it. I take out my penny board.

"At least I have you." I say to it in my mind. I got it when I was 13 as a birthday gift from my parents.

I get up out of my room and walk back towards the living room. so many people are dancing and having fun while in just a lonely cloud.

I squish I between people sweaty bodies.

I finally find the front door and go to turn the knob when some one pulls my arm back away. I turn around.

"Listen here, bitch, don't come back for 6 hours cause then mom will be home. I swear if your not back at that time your ass is going to be beaten." Julia says.

"Ok bye"


I get on my skateboard and start going left. I ride awhile longer until some one knocks into me.

The person catches me and I look up to see brown perfect eyes and slightly curly hair worshiping over me.

"Hi" he says.

"Hey, I'm Tia!" I say

"Oh, well Tia I'm Shawn."

He looks so perfect.

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