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How can you be in love with someone who can never be yours,
When each stolen glance ignites a thousand hidden fires,
When their voice, a melody, lingers long after it fades,
When their presence, a shadow, colors even the brightest days?

How can you be in love with someone who can never be yours,
When every memory is a treasure, a whispered secret in the night,
When their absence carves a hollow space, a void that echoes sighs,
When their smile, a fleeting glimpse, becomes the sun in your skies?

How can you be in love with someone who can never be yours,
When dreams weave tapestries of moments that never came to be,
When hope, though fragile, clings like dew on morning leaves,
When the heart, a fool for love, finds solace in the impossibility?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15 ⏰

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