4. You can't fix me

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Rosalie's POV

We walked downstairs and sat down at the dining table. My eyes widened, it was so much food! There was a plate with hamburgers, and different plates with everything you could imagine to have on your burger! At the orphanage, you were lucky if you got a toast!

But then it hit me, this food wasn't for me of course! Why would they give me food like this? I was already fat enough, maybe they'll give me an apple or something like that.

They started to make their hamburgers while I stared at my empty plate. I wasn't even hungry. I've already ate once today.

"Rosalie why don't you eat?" Liam asked who sat next to me. I looked up and saw everyone staring at me.

"What am I allowed to eat?" I asked. Liam just looked at me confused.

"Take whatever you want, have you never ate hamburger?"

"No." I said blushing when they gasped. Niall who sat on the other side of me smiled.

"It's really good!" He started making a hamburger for me and put it on my plate and everyone else started eating again. I felt lost. I looked down at the hamburger, I still wasn't very hungry but I didn't want to seem rude, so I started eating it.

Dinner was actually really funny, we all talked and had fun, but I only ate half of my burger, I mean I already had a toast at the orphanage for lunch so.

"Rosalie wasn't it good?" Louis asked and looked at my half eaten hamburger.

"Yes it was, really good, but I'm not hungry at all. Sorry."

"Did you eat a big lunch at the orphanage?" Niall asked. Yea I wish, a big lunch...Wow never had that in my whole life, what do they think? That we get a three course meal breakfast, lunch and dinner on that place? Noooo...

"No...not so big, but it was pretty much for me, an apple and a toast." I played with my hands, I didn't like to talk about the orphanage. I looked up and saw five boys and three girls staring at me.

"What...?" I asked awkwardly.

"You call that, a big lunch!?" Harry asked with his mouth wide open.

"Well...yes, at the orphanage that was a lot! I'm not used to eat much." They all looked at each other, but Liam decided to change the subject.

"Well if you're done Rosalie, then let's clean up here!" Everyone groaned. Everyone rose up, but Niall snuck out to the living room, and I followed him giggling.

"Aren't you going to help blondie?" I asked and winked at him. I felt comfortable around Niall, of course I really liked the others too, but it felt like Niall and I had the best connection.

"Nope!" He said smiling. I looked over his shoulder and saw he was on his phone.

"What are you doin?" I asked.

"I'm at twitter, do you know what that is?" He asked and I shook my head, and he started to explain what it was.

"You should really get it! Go get your Iphone and I'll fix it for ya!" He said and I ran upstairs to get it.

"Here" I said giving it to him. He gave it back to after awhile.

"Chose a username." He told me. I thought for a minute. And then typed in: RosieBelle. As my name and last name but it was already taken. So I tried RosalieBelle. Yesss, available!

"Here you go." I said giving it back to Niall. And he started to teach me to use twitter. After 15 long minutes, I had finally managed to learn about it! The lads and the girls had joined us. I followed the lads and the girls immediately.

"Okay Rosie, smile!" Harry said snapping a picture of me. All the sudden everyone had their phones in their hands snapping pictures of me, I smiled but then I decided to pose in some funny poses, they all chuckled.

I checked twitter and saw all the boys had posted pictures of me, telling the fans who I was. I giggled at the pictures, I looked awful! I saw I had already 3,000 followers!! That was insane!

I checked my mentions, to see what the fans thought about me.

"Awww @RosalieBelle is soooo adorable"

"@RosalieBelle You looks so cute!"

I smiled and replayed a few fans.

"@RosalieBelle Omg u r so ugly! Like just die! You don't deserve to live!

"@RosalieBelle I heard you're from an orphanage, I can see why your parents didn't want you, you r ugly!"

"@RosalieBelle You should leave one direction alone, you're not good enough to be around them!"

I felt tears slip out from my eyes and stream down my cheeks. I Rose up and threw the phone in the sofa. Then I started to cry and fell down on my knees. I felt someone grab me and I screamed, just a reaction. The hands let me go.

"Rosie shhhh, what's wrong?" I heard a voice ask. It was Harry. I looked up and saw eight worried faces.

"Give me my phone!" I said and clenched my teeth. Perrie grabbed it and gave it to me, I unlocked it and opened twitter and the mentions again and handed it to Harry.

"Ohnoooo they didn't...." He said and sounded angry. Liam grabbed the phone and read it together with the others.

"What!? How could they!?" Louis yelled angrily and I got scared and tried to hide behind Harry.

"Louis, you're scaring her." He warned.

"Sorry Rose, I just..." He sighed and looked at the phone.

"Rosie sweetie, don't listen to them, they are just jealous, okay?" Eleanor said and put her hand on my arm.

"NO! They say the truth! I know it is the truth! You know this is like being with my father again! Hearing things like that! You know after hearing that for 12 years, you do believe it! I thought and I wished that this time, maybe, just maybe it would be different, but there is always someone I disappoint!" I screamed tears streaming down my face. "I can never be good enough! Maybe they're right, maybe I deserve to die! My life is just a mess..." I looked at them and saw all the angry faces now looked sad. Great Rosalie, now you managed to hurt them, the only ones who have been nice to you, great job!

"Rosie-" Zayn started, but I cut him off. "No, I'm sorry guys, I didn't mean to, uhhh, yea." I looked down and Niall cupped my face in his hands and wiped away my tears with his thumb.

"Rosie, don't apologize, you're right, they are mean, but remember, you are beautiful and you are a amazing person, if you ever want to talk, we're here okay? We're a family now." The others nodded in agreement.

"I know it feels hard right now, but you will be okay again, we can help you." Harry said. I nodded.

"Thank you, it means a lot." I whispered and was embraced in a massive group hug. I knew they couldn't fix me, there was nothing they could do, I was, and will always be, a waste of human life. But don't get me wrong, I really appreciate that they care about me and so, but I know that they'll return me to the orphanage soon, I'm not good enough for them

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