21. I don't want to stay

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Rosalie's POV

It was my first night back in the orphanage. It was probably midnight by now. But I just couldn't sleep. I've been crying so much since the dinner, quietly in my pillow of course, so that Mrs. Smith won't hear.

I miss the boys so much my heart literally aches every time I think of them. I wonder if they miss me too. Are they even trying to get me back? What about Emily? Does she miss me as much as I miss her? I never even got the chance to say good bye to her... Now I will probably never see her again.

When I finally fell asleep it was almost dawn.

A loud whistle woke me up and I groaned. I was soooo tired, I probably slept like 2 hours. I heard all the kids going down the stairs. I knew I should too. But I was so tired. My head was killing me and I felt sick. I just wanted to stay in bed and never get up.

A few minutes later when I had almost fallen back to sleep, the door burst open.

"Get up young lady!" Mrs. Smith demanded.

"No." I grunted. I knew I was gonna have to pay for that.

"Excuse me? How dare you speak to me in that way Ms. Belle!?" She scolded and grabbed me by my shoulders and shook me. It made the headache so much worse and I whimpered in pain.

"Please stop." I wailed. She did. But she grabbed me by my arm instead and dragged me out from bed. I fell on the floor with a light thud, it didn't hurt, but her grip on my arm hurt. She literally lifted me by my arm in standing position and quickly started walking towards the stairs. I practically had to run to keep up with her. She dragged me to the dining room and I sat down at the table. Everyone stared at me and I looked down.

"Now that little miss selfish finally decided to show up, we can eat breakfast." Mrs. Smith said. She really hates me. She takes every opportunity she gets to humiliate and embarrass me. I could feel everyone's eyes on me. Mrs. Smith started to hand out plates to everyone and I just sat there looking at the table. I was the last one the receive a plate. I looked at it and saw something that was supposed to look like porridge. It looked awful, I'm not going to eat this.

I sat and kind of just played with the food. The boy next to me ate like there was no tomorrow, he had less than half of his porridge left.

"Are you hungry?" I whispered to him.

"Yes." He said.

"Wanna switch with me? I haven't touched it yet." I whispered back. He hesitated and looked for Mrs. Smith, but she had just gone to the kitchen.

"Okay." He said. I quickly switched plate with him without anyone seeing and he started eating of my porridge. I didn't touch it.

When the boy next to me had finished my porridge we switched back, so I got my plate back, which was now empty, and he got his plate back, which I hadn't touched and he gladly ate it up.

A lot of the kids was still eating. I looked around the room, most of the kids were around 5 years old. I'm the oldest one here, then comes Maya, she's like 11 I think. We were around 20 kids here in the orphanage, not that much actually.

I sat there in silence, listening to the other kids talking to each other. When everyone had finally finished we all left our plates in the kitchen and then sat down at the table again.

"Everyone has free time now until Lunch, which is at 11.30. You may be in the hall and play if you wish too, don't make too much noise though." Mrs. Smith said and everyone rose up and walked out from the dining room.

I hurried upstairs while everyone else stayed in the hall to play. I walked into the bathroom and locked the door. I looked into the mirror and let out a gasp. I looked absolutely horrible! My hair was messy, my face was pale and my eyes were bloodshot and puffy. My head was killing me and I was so tired. If would be home with the boys right now, they'd give me some pain killers, then cuddle up with me in the sofa, until I fell asleep in the arms of one of them. Tears welled up in my eyes and trickled down my cheeks. My stomach was aching because I miss them so much. It literally hurts so much to think about them.

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