27. Heartbreak

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"I'd like two scoops of cookies and cream please." I told the woman working behind the counter at the ice cream parlor.
"And I'd like one scoop of chocolate and one of strawberry." Ellinor said to the woman.
"That'd be £5 please." The woman said and I handed her my credit card.
"No Rosalie I'm not letting you pay for me!" Ellinor argued but I just waved her off.
"Come on, it's just a few pounds. I really don't mind, the boys just keep giving me money all the time even though I tell them not too, I never spend any so it's fine." I said as the woman gave me back the credit card and handed us our ice creams. We sat down at an empty booth and I put a spoon full of ice cream in my mouth.
"Now tell me everything!" Ellinor said eagerly. I nodded and cleared my throat.
"Okay then..." I said and started telling her everything about yesterday.

"It belongs to my dad." I said. My heart was beating so hard I bet the boys could hear me.
"Wh-what?" Liam stuttered in pure shock.
"A-are you sure?" Harry asked hesitantly. I nodded.
"I've seen that knife a million times before. How do you think I got all those scars on my body? How do you think I got all those words carved on to my skin? By that knife, which my father used. D.M stands for Donald McWayne, his name." I said. I didn't know what to feel. I was scared, shocked, sad, angry, annoyed, stressed and it was all too much.
"Call the police someone!" Harry yelled.
"Close the door for gods sake!" Niall yelled.
Liam was on the phone with the police, Zayn and Louis were on the phone with God knows who and Harry and Niall were running around yelling things and making sure all windows were closed and doors locked. Me? I just sat there, a million thoughts was running through my mind.
He was here.
My father was here.
He found me.
What was he gonna do?
Will the cops be able to catch him?
What if he is still hiding in the garden?
I suddenly got this awful feeling like someone was watching me. I knew I only felt like that because I was scared but I still didn't want to sit near the window.
And then just broke down. I couldn't hold it in anymore. I was so angry and scared. Angry because I finally had a caring family and now my father was once again ruining my life. Scared because I knew how my dad was. If he wanted something he'd always find a way to get it, and I have quite a strong feeling he wants me.
I screamed and cried. Niall came up to me and tried to wrap his arms around me but I pushed them off me. I screamed and slammed my fist into pillows, I cried and cried until I felt as though I was gonna choke on my own sobs. Niall once again tried to wrap his arms around me and this time I just fell into his arms and cried to his chest.
"Everything is gonna be okay Rosalie. The police are on their way and they're gonna catch him I promise." He told me and rubbed my back but I violently shook my head no.
"Niall you don't understand. My father, he is dangerous. He will do anything, and I mean anything to get what he wants. And he won't stop until he gets it. He is very smart and knows exactly how to not get caught." I cried.
"Shh don't think like that, he's gonna get caught. The police are here now." He said and I looked up and saw blue and red flashing lights outside. There were three police cars parked outside while two others were driving up and down the street to look for my dad. Three officers were walking around in the garden and looking for God knows what. Two of them talked with Harry, Louis, Liam and Zayn while the last one was on his way over to me and Niall.
I got asked a billion questions and had to describe every little tiny detail about my dad and my past.
After that the police officer told us that they had seen no sign of my dad while driving around the block and searching our garden. They told us that they were gonna file a report and blah blah blah.
At around 2am all the cops had left and I had calmed down a lot. I refused to sleep alone so I got to share bed with Zayn. I think we all fell asleep pretty quickly knowing that three of One Directions body guards were downstairs making sure no one entered our garden while we were sleeping.

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