15. Why me?

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Rosalie's POV

"Okay can anyone tell me the answer of this question?" Mr. Andrews turned around to write the question on the whiteboard. Y=3x, what is Y if x= -3? Okay that makes no sense at all. I sighed and looked around at the others. No one raised their hand. Mr. Andrews turned around and looked for someone with a raised hand.

"Doesn't anyone know the answer?" He asked disappointed. "Okay then I have to pick one instead." Please don't pick me, please don't pick me. I silently prayed.

"Rosalie, come up here!" He said and I sighed. Just my normal luck...I walked up to the whiteboard and just stared at the problem. It seemed as like all letters and numbers just crawled around, like bugs. There's no way I will be able to read the question if the letters and numbers move!

"I don't know the answer Mr. Andrews." I said and felt my cheeks burn as the class started to chuckle. I thought I saw Lana laugh too but when she saw I was looking she put on a straight face and gave me a "you did your best" look. I frowned, she had been nice all day, I bet she didn't laugh I just saw wrong.

"It's okay, you can go back to your seat." He said warmly. "Laura why don't you give it a shot?" I stumbled back to my seat as another girl rose up and walked towards Mr. Andrews.

"So you're not as good in math as you're in French bitch?" She whispered as she passed me. Seriously what's wrong with people in this school!? I sat down at my seat again with burning cheeks. That Laura girl solved the problem easily.

The rest of the lesson was just as terrible, I didn't understand anything of what the teacher said!

When it finally ended I grabbed my book and hurried out from the classroom after Mr. Andrews signed the formulary.

"Rosalie wait up!" I turned around and saw Lana running towards me followed by her friends. I'm happy there is someone here who is nice to me!

"Hi Lana." I said and smiled at her. I started to walk to my locker and they followed me.

"So what locker number do you have?" Lana asked.

"201." I said and stopped at my locker.

"Really!? We're locker neighbors!" She said and smiled. One of her friends though didn't look so happy about me and Lana being locker neighbors, I bet she's just jealous.

"Oh my, I totally forgot to introduce you to my friends!" Lana exclaimed. "This is Ashley." She pointed at the girl who didn't like that me and Lana were locker neighbors. Lana gave the Ashley girl a stern look and Ashley reluctantly shook my hand. Lana looked satisfied and continued. "This is Jane." I shook her hand too and then there was one girl left. "And that is Mindy." I shook her hand too. All of these girl looked like the popular bitchy girl you see in movies and read about in books, 10 pounds of makeup, all of them had blonde dyed hair, and they had a perfect body and they were tall and just beautiful, I felt so ugly compared to them.

"It's lunch now, come on!" Lana said happily and we all started to walk to lunch. Ashley was whispering with Lana all the way and I just awkwardly walked behind them with Mindy and Jane. They didn't utter a word to me. When we reached the cafeteria we had to wait outside in the line, cause the cafeteria was full.

"Rosalie tell me, how is it to live with One Direction?" Lana exclaimed and stopped whispering with Ashley who now looked more happier than before. Mindy and Jane huddled together with Ashley and they started to whisper and giggling but I ignored them.

"Well it's uhmmm, well they are really nice and it's just crazy, but I love it!" I said and Lana smiled. She continued to ask me question the whole time, about the boys, about me and my past, I was a bit unsure about telling her about my past, so I didn't tell her everything.

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