2. Adoption day

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Liam's POV

Her eyes widened in shock but she smiled at us nervously. I smiled back at her warmly and walked over to her with the rest of the lads, as we came closer she tensed and made herself as small as possible. I reached out to take her hand but she stared at me with scared eyes and moved back a little. I frowned but stayed where I were and smiled at her again.

"What's your name sweetheart?" I asked.

"R-Rosalie." She stuttered.

"That's a really pretty name, how old are you Rosalie?" Niall asked who were beside me.

"12." She answered. I examined her, her answer really surprised me, she didn't look like 12, she was so short and in some way tiny. But i just smiled and nodded at her. Lucy helped her to stand up and I was right, she was really short probably just 4"8. But she was so cute.

"Okay boys if you want her we have to do a background check, follow me please. And Rosie you can go pack your stuff and we'll come back up to you soon." Lucy said and the little girl hurried upstairs and we followed Lucy to a room on the right side. In some way it felt like Rosalie didn't want to be adopted and I really wondered why.

"Maybe you've noticed there is something with her, she seems scared right?" Lucy said like she could read my mind, I looked at the boys who seemed to have thought the same thing as me. I nodded.

"Yeah she seemed scared when we came close to her." Niall said. Lucy nodded and started to explain.

"Well Rosalie has the worst past out of all other kids. She has also been here the longest time. She grew up with her mom and dad. Her mom was addicted to drugs, and she was abusive, her dad was an alcoholic, and abusive. She grew up being beaten everyday, ever since she was a little baby. When she was three her mom died of an overdose, and she was left with her dad. And her one year old twin sisters. Katie and Caitlin. The abuse was still going on, she was abused in everyway possible. Her dad met a new woman when Rosalie was six, and she was also abusive against Rosalie and her sisters. When Rosalie were seven her two younger sisters got killed, right in front of her eyes, she saw how thay were beaten to death by her dad and stepmom. She loved her sisters very much. When she was eight also her stepmom died when she was drunk driving, and the same month she was almost beaten to death by her dad, that day when she almost died, her dad took off, no one ever found him, he disappeard. So she came here." I was crying right now, I couldn't help it, I looked at the lads and saw they were crying too. Lucy continued. "She got adopted three times but she only stayed 3-4 months before she was returned, abused again. Now I guess she is scared you'll do the same thing to her, she grew up hearing words like how she was ugly and that no one loved her, and after hearing those words for 8 years, you know, she believed it.But still she is a happy 12 year old girl, she loves laughing, and doing girly stuffs like paint her nails" She sighed and looked down."She needs love, and someone who will show her that they love her, she needs someone who can take care of her." She said the last thing pleading, like she begged us to take care of her, of course we would, I would never hurt her.

"We will take care of her, we can fix her again. " Harry said and I nodded.

"Thank you." She whispered.

We all passed background check and we started walk up stairs. Lucy told us where her room were and we walked over to it. We knocked on her door and she opened it.

Rosalie's POV

I packed my things in 5 minutes, I didn't have so much, almost no clothes, the most important thing was the photo of me and my sisters, I had it in a gold frame. And then my teddy bear. Yes I have a teddy bear, I'm 12 I know, but I have it, it's really important for me, my aunt gave it to me, she was always so nice to me, and that teddy bear has comforted me many times when I've been crying. So it's really special to me.

I sat on my bed just humming to "A team" by Ed Sheeran, when someone knocked on the door, it was the five boys who wanted to adopt me. I smiled at them nervous, I prayed they would be nice to me, but I couldn't help but being scared of them.

"Hey love are you ready to go?" A curly haired boy asked. I nodded shyly and followed the boys downstairs. We stopped at the door and waited for Lucy. The boy with the darkest hair reached out to grab my suitcase, but I thought he would hurt me or something so I screamed. The boys looked at me with shock and worry. The boy who tried to take my suitcase froze.

"Sorry I was just going taking your suitcase..." He explained. I nodded and blushed and gave it to him. The blonde haired one tried to put his arm around me but I backed off. They looked at each other, I blushed. Awkward moment....But Lucy came just that moment and hugged me.

"Goodbye Rosalie, take care, have you said goodbye to your friends too?" She said.

"Yes I have." I lied, yeah right, like I had any friends. Baha!" Goodbye Lucy, I'm going to miss you." I said and me and the boys started to walk to their car. I gasped as I saw it, it was HUUUUUUUGE! They opened the door for me and I got inside. The inside looked just like a limousine. I sat between the blonde haired one and the one with curly hair.

"What a big car!" I said breathless. They all smiled at me.

"You have an accent, how does that come?" A boy with really, really short hair asked.

"Well my mom is French, and my dad is English. We lived in France until my mom...uhm...died." I whispered, I really didn't like to talk about my parents."Then I moved to London with my dad and my sisters. So that's why I have an accent, Rosalie is a French name." They nodded and looked sad. I bet Lucy told them about my parents.

"Can you speak French?" A boy with brown hair asked.

"Oui!" I said shyly and smiled. This far they were nice, but you never know what will happen. I don't know if i can trust them, at least not yet.

"Well I think we need to introduce us to you." The blonde haired boy said. "I'm Niall, that's Liam, Louis, Harry and Zayn. And we are One direction." He smiled. I frowned.

"Who's one direction?" I asked and blushed, not knowing if it was rude to ask.

"We're a famous boy band." He explained. My eyes widened.

"Cool..." I whispered, if they were a famous boy band, then why would they want to have me? I'm just ugly and worthless....

"Shall we call you Rosalie or do you have a nickname?" Zayn asked.

"I have many nicknames, call me Rosalie, Rosie, Rosa or some people call me Lee or Sally. And my aunts husband calls me Rosalita, he's from Spain." I said I blushed of how much I talked, I never talk a lot. "Or some people call me worthless..." I whispered so they couldn't hear.

"Wow that's many nicknames!" Liam said and smiled. I nod and suddenly felt how tired I was. I had to struggle just to keep my eyes open. It was really hard.

We stopepd after a while and I looked up and my jaw dropped. We had stopped outside this really, really, really big flat! It was the biggest house I've ever seen! The boys smiled at me.

"Do you like it?" They asked. I smiled and nodded, breathless.

"It's really..." I yawned. "Nice."

"Wait here, we'll be right back." Niall said and left the car with Liam, Zayn and Louis. Harry was still beside me so I decided to rest my head against his shoulder. I was sooooo tired....

I didn't even notice that I fell asleep.

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