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"Since there is 10 of you, you all fight today." Four explains as we stand near the arena. "Peter. Ethan. You're up first." Four calls out. "Nice knowing you." Peter comments. "Oh wait, no it wasn't." He adds. Peter is a pretty big guy. One of the tallest in our group. But we are relatively the same build. Both lean, muscular, and tall. It would have been a fair fight, but I'm fighting Peter, so I know it won't be. 

I face Peter and flex my fingers. The pain in my right arm is throbbing from the tattoo. "You sure you don't want to back out, Amity?" Peter spits. "Shut the hell up, Peter." I say unemotionally.

"Fight." Eric sounds. Peter rushes me and I narrowly block his hammer fist and bring my knee into his stomach. He slams a fist into my jaw and dazes me for a few seconds. I shake my head before blocking Peter's next punch. I grab his arm and flip him over my shoulder pressing my knee into his sternum. I bring my fists down on his face and I'm reminded of the day my mother died. I'm reminded of the men that beat her, that kicked her, and killed her. 

Peter's blood paints my fists and I register a sudden pain in the right side of my ribcage. I keel over and Peter pounces at me, slamming his feet into my face; blood splatters the arena mat as Peter's next punch connects with my jaw. Peter's hands wrap around my throat and begins to squeeze tightly. Dots fill my vision before I hear my name being shouted.


"Get up, Ethan!"


I furrow my brows overwhelmed with rage. I spit in Peter's face before driving a punch into his throat. Peter falls back before I get to my feet coughing. "You bitch!" I spit before swing my foot in his face and finally knock him out. 

I feel the cool sensation of blood trickling down my face and neck. I look over at Christina and she's concerned but smiling. My head is pounding. My vision darkens as my eyes flutter and I collapse to the floor.


I sit up with a jolt and wince painfully. "Hey, whoa! Slow down there, Ethan!" A familiar voice sounds. I turned my head to see Christina sitting in a chair next to the bed that I occupied. She has a nasty bruise under her jaw and on her right cheekbone.

"Christina? What happened?" I rasp. "You beat the hell out of Peter and then blacked out." She answers. "Did I win?" I ask. "Yeah, you won. According to the rules anyway. You knocked Peter unconscious first which gave you the win. He is not happy about it." She explains. 

"You did good for your first fight, Ethan." She points out. "Doesn't feel like it." I say quietly. 

"How about you? Did you win?" I question. "Against Myra? Yeah. It was pathetic. She's not even trying. But I admit, she got me good a couple of times." She says. 

"I'm glad you're okay for the most part, Ethan." She says quietly. She gets up and leaves the infirmary. 

I finally go back to the dorms after a few hours and find Peter glaring daggers at me. I walk by before he shoves me, pinning me to the nearest wall. "I will not be beaten by an Amity. That was your first and last time, Amity. Next time, I'm going to kill you." Peter spits venomously. I grab Peter's wrist and break out of his hold and slam him to the floor pressing my boot to his throat. "Don't forget, it was me who knocked your ass out. And I will do it again and again and again." I snarl. 

"Because guess what, jackass? I finally decided that out of everyone in our initiation group, I have chosen you, in particular, to be my rival. Edward is good, I'll admit. But he wasn't annoying the absolute shit out of me ever since I came to Dauntless. You, on the other hand, your voice really grinds my gears, Peter. You're annoying. Every time you open your mouth, it makes my ears bleed. So...any chance I have...I will make your life a living hell, the same way that you intend for Tris." I spit as Peter squirmed beneath my boot, his face becoming red.

"The next time you try anything...just remember...I will be there to do it you tenfold. Stay away from me and my friends, Peter." I snap before pulling Peter to his feet and throwing him into the wall and walking away. The rest of the room is staring at me, including Christina. I feel ashamed of myself for showing her this side of me. But that also tells everyone to leave her and the others alone. And I'm okay with that.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17 ⏰

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