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Miss Adams looks at me with a surprised look on her face.

"You're not joking? You seriously take those subjects and do well?" she asks.

I nod my head.

She turns to fully face me, her anger apparent. "What on earth are you doing in my class, then? This is a bottom set English class!"

I shrug, feeling like a fool. Taking a deep breath, I explain to her what happened.

"Well, at the end of last year, I came out as a lesbian," I start, my voice cracking slightly. "The principal's son found it hilarious and would call me slurs whenever he could. I put up with it for about two days before I lost it. My friends recorded him calling me slurs before I knocked him out, and I never suffered any offical consequences."

As I recount the details of my fight with the principal's son, I see a mixture of shock and concern on Miss Adams' face. She stays silent for a moment before speaking, "And you're in my class now because...?"

I shrug again, feeling like a kid caught out. "I'm guessing the principal thinks it's the perfect way to punish me, by making me sit through bottom set English for the year."

She blinks and looks at me, "Well that is something I can certainly respect, young lady."

I feel a strange sensation in my stomach as she compliments me, the smirk on my face faltering slightly. I try to play it cool, responding with a lighthearted comment.

"Me or the principal?" I ask jokingly.

She grins, her cold features suddenly softening. "You, silly," she replies, and I can't help but chuckle to myself.

As I hear her words, I feel my heart skip a beat. It's a strange realization, but I suddenly feel a pang of excitement anr confidence. She's also into girls. This revelation only complicates my feelings for her even further.

However, my smirk drops as I watch her rest her gently rest her hand against her stomach. I feel my heart sink as I watch her rub her stomach, an uneasy expression on her face.

"Hey, are you okay?" I ask, concern in my voice.

She nods weakly, trying to hide the pain she's clearly feeling. "Mhm, just some cramps," she replies, her voice strained.

I watch her hands glide across her shirt, wishing there was something I could do to help her. "Oh no... you poor thing. Do you need some paracetamol or anything? I could go and get a heating pack from the first aid room?" I offer.

Miss Adams shakes her head, stubbornly refusing any comfort. "No, I'll be fine," she responds, her voice laced with bitterness.

The bell rings, signaling the end of class, but I feel torn about leaving her in pain. But I know she'd never allow me to go and fetch her some painkillers or a heat pack, even if I really wanted to.

Reluctantly, I bid her farewell. "Go on, off you go. Go and enjoy your lunch, Scarlet." Her husky voice commands. I nod, feeling a sense of shame as I leave her behind, knowing that she's still in pain. But I know there's no use in arguing with her, so I make my way to the cafeteria, my thoughts weighing heavily on me.

As I sit down at a table with my lunch in front of me, I can't get the image of Miss Adams in pain and her stubborn refusal to let me help her out of my head. She looked so vulnerable and helpless in that moment, a side of her I had never seen before.

Its not long before I decide to leave my dreaded school at lunch and pop to the small tescos at the end of the road. As I'm walking down the aisles I pick myself a chocolate bar up, I then find myself grabbing another one for someone else, someone who I know would appreciate this right now. I then find my body in auto piolet walking around this bloody supermarket, collecting items and snacks. I try to make out that they are for myself but at the back of my head I know exactly who they are for. Why was I doing anything for her!?

But her face when I walked into her room at lunch with all this stuff was worth a hell of a lot more than what i paid for all the treats. Her frozen features had totally thawed, and there was an extreme look of gratitude on her face, "F-for me?" She says quietly.

I nod, "Yeah, I was hoping it might help make you feel a bit better, trust me... I know how you're feeling.

"Thank you so much. You're such a sweetheart. I can't remember the last time someone cared about me like this, darling."

Oh dear- that's all I needed to hear. She's got me wrapped around her little finger now. I'll be on my hands and knees, giving her whatever she wants from now on. I know I can't resist. "Oh, no worries." I give her a friendly smile as I leave her classroom, letting her enjoy her lunch time in peace.

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