Chapter 6

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You take your dagger back, wipe the blade with your shirt and put it back in its sheath. Hoping, the spider Arachne, was dead you let your guard down, just a bit, though. You cover the cut on your neck with your hand as the kitten hoped off the other side. It started to meow in a certain direction.
"Are there monsters coming?" You asked it quietly. The animal started to walk.
"You know the way out of here?" You asked getting up. The kitten suddenly flickered. It was quick, but you saw. It's gray image flickered to a skeletal figure. As if it were an X-ray scan. Where did Nico get the kitten? You started to follow the kitten.
After a while your walking became staggering. Pain started to come back, blisters accompanying. You tried to stand, but after walking in tartarus you felt pain. You fell on your knees, unwillingly. Your palms soon coated in black sand. You couldn't take it, you shut your eyes and fell.
The cool sand brought you relief, until it started to dig into your cheek and what was exposed of your body. You opened your eyes once more, the sand wasn't sand. They were pieces of broken glass. Closing your eyes for one last time, you felt the kitten softly paw at your nose, trying to keep you awake.
In your dream you were standing in an unknown area. The ground rumbled and hands- no claws shot up from the ground. They grabbed your legs. The touch burned. You tried to run, but they were holding you in place. You screamed, but no one was around.

"My daughter." The voice of your mother rang in your ears, echoing. You saw your mother. Her blue eyes, now, a blood shade of red. Her teeth fangs and her hands claws. her image was ghastly, but clear enough.
"Remember when you abandoned me?" She hissed.
"Yes. You left me to die."
"That's not true!" You shouted.
"Then, why did you leave me?"
"Y-you told me to." You whispered, looking down.
"I died. It was all your fault."
She flicked her wrist and the scene changed.
Now you were back at home. A creature stood in front of your mother. It growled as your mother started to attack. She was good but not good enough. The fight went on for a while until the creature spoke, "your daughter's already dead."
Your mother's eyes widen as she came to a stop, "she c-can't b-"
The creature used the back of its paw to hit her, making her fly back onto the cave wall. She let out a small cry in pain as her back hit the wall.
"A Hellhound was sent after her. It caught up." Tears started to gather in your mother's blue eyes.
"T-that's not tr-"
The monster slammed it's massive, pointy teeth down on your mother's neck. Blood soon spilled around. You screamed at the top of your lungs, you tried to move but it was no use. It was making you furious. The monster ripped away. Your headless mother laid limply on the ground. Blood was everywhere. You felt useless, you looked down at your hands. A red liquid(blood) started to craw all over your body. The scene became red and black, while your mother's body decayed into the ground. You screamed and the scene changed, now, you stood in a large room, it was pure white. You felt warm blood slowly crawl down your arm, dripping.

Drip. . . Drop. . .

The sound echoed in the emptiness. Your eyes were wide with fear. You ran up to a wall, you could see your reflection. The wall reflected your image like polished marble. Blood dripped from your face and tears streamed down your cheeks. You couldn't scream, you couldn't make any sound besides small cries. You couldn't speak, your voice was useless. Your body trembled. Your mother's death kept playing in your head, non-stop.
"why, (y/n)?" Your mother's voice pleaded. You crumbled to the ground.
"Just end it all, now." She whipered in your head.
'Just end it. . .end it all.'

"Please stay. . ."
Nico's voice was stuck in your head.

Nico's voice calmed you down. Your breathing was ragged and out of pace. You clutched your head, trying to comprehend everything.
End it all.
. . .Torn between the two. . .

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