■•●▪Epilogue (maybe sequel preview, too?)▪●•■

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You and Nico started dating. Together you two went on missions and tried to forget about the curse. Years later an engagement, then, a wedding. Reyna, being a friend of Nico, offered hospitality at Camp Jupiter. Living the rest of your lives in New Rome. But a better place was in mind: where you grew up. Monster never showed up, thanks to some magical borders. Anyway, few more years later, together you had two kids.
(Sequel-ish/Sequel-ish like??) Preview?
The Hephaestus cabin, as a wedding gift, they had build, the cave you grew up in, into a sweet home. They kind of remodeled it, just a tiny bit, so it could still feel like the home you had grown up in.

"Mom, back at camp. . .someone said they heard that you were a cursed. . .as a child." Your son looked up at you with his piercing red eyes. The curse? Yeah, you remembered. But the time never came, you never made the gods 'pay,' as so said. But your son, he was born with the red eyes. You were afraid he would ever find out, realize out what dangerous power his eyes had. Although, his didn't have the side effect that yours did. His sight was fine.
His voice snapped you out of your thoughts.

You put a hand on his shoulder, looked straight into his eyes.
"Hey, mom! Look at what we got you!" It was (daughter's name), and Nico was following behind. She was grinning as held a blue rose. She jumped into your arms, "me and dad found this one. I really like it and I hope you do, too! It reminds me of grandma's eyes."
"Yeah, me, too. Thank you, I love it." You smiled, and kissed her forehead. "Thank you, Nico." You gave him a quick peck on the lips. Yep, after years of being together, he still blushed. "I-" you looked around for (son's name), but he was gone. You sighed in sync with Nico, as he had realized, too. "I'll go talk to him." He left out to find him.

third point of view▪
Nico could hear his son as he headed into the forest. He could hear that he was training. He was a pretty strong kid for his age, so was (daughter's name), both, trained by (y/n) and Nico.
Nico headed deeper into the forest, just to see a bunch of dummies that were pretty cut up. (Son's name), was skillfully slashing at the dummies. Nico watched silently, seeing what (son's name) could do.
"Hey, dad, how long are you going to stand there?" He said as he continued to train.
"Why did you just leave like that?" Nico came out from the shadows.
"No reason." He sheathed his sword and turned towards his dad. "Dad, was mom ever cursed?"

▪your point of view▪
You set (daughter's name) down, found a thin, crystal clear, vase, filled it with water and set the single blue rose in it.
"Where are you going to place it?" She asked.
"C'mon, I'll show you." You led her to the photo of you and your mother and placed the vase next to it. "Thanks, again." You patted her head. She blushed and hugged you, "you're welcome!"
"Alright, I'm going to finish making dinner."
"Ooh, can I help?!"
"Sure. Let's go finish, so, when your brother and dad get back, it'll be done, okay?"

▪(son's name) point of view▪
"Dad, was mom ever cursed?" I ask him. He only looked into my eyes.
"They said she was cursed. That she was. . .supposed to make the Gods pay. But it's been years, and nothing has happened." Dad kneeled down, "(son's name), please, try not to remind your mother of that past." I nodded, understandably. I could see the pain in her eyes when I mentioned it. But I couldn't help but to wonder. . . 'Cursed?'
"Dinner is ready!" (Daughter's name) shouted.
Dad smiled and headed on but then stopped. "Let's go, we don't want to keep her waiting. She. . .she can get a little scary."
I nodded, he was right, mom could get scary.

▪your point of view▪
Nico and (son's name) came in. "I'm sorry, mom."
"It's okay. Just get ready for dinner." You smiled and handed him a cookie, "your little sister helped me make them."

Dinner was as loud as usual.
You smiled, happily. It was nice to have a family, especially one this the one you had.

~after dinner and all~

You laid in bed, not able to go to sleep. "Nico, are you awake?"
"Did. . .(son's name) ask you if I was cursed?"
"You be honest; yes." The arm that was around your waist pulled you closer. "But it's fine, now." He kissed your cheek.
"You. . .don't think they meant him. I-I mean. I was a curse, he is my son and mainly of all; his eyes are always red."
"I don't know. . . Don't worry, now. Just go to sleep." You turned around to face him. You brushed his hair behind his ear and, then, poked his nose. He smiled a small smile. You kissed and drifted off to sleep.
You yawned as you opened your eyes. You were about to get up and wake up the kids, they went to regular schools and during the summer, they went to the camp, but then you remembered; first day of summer.
"Good morning!" Little (daughter's name) was carrying a tray with breakfast. She set the tray on the nightstand and jumped in between you and Nico. She squirmed happily as she giggled. "Good morning, (daughter's nickname)," You smiled, "Where's (son's name)?"
"I'm right here." He came in, carrying another tray. "I was just finishing dad's."
"Good morning, (son's name)." You smiled, "Soo, you're going back to the camp, huh?" You stood up.
"Yeah." You took him by surprise when you sneaked behind him and suddenly engulfed him in a hug. "It's so sad, you're leaving again."
"Mom! You know you can always visit." He said, trying to get out of your hug.
"I know, but, you won't be here. You'll be on missions."
He stopped fighting your hug and hugged you back, "yeah, yeah. I'll kick those missions butt! We've been trained from the best, ya know?"
(Daughter's name) joined in the hug, "yeah, he's right!"
"Alright mom, we're going to get ready, okay?"
They both rushed out of the room, happily.

You laid back on the bed and poked Nico's forehead. "Wake up." He didn't budge but a small smile formed on his lips, so you kept poking him. "Wake up. . .wa-."
"What's happening, big brother!" You heard (daughter's name) shout.
Nico opened his eyes, and quickly, you both got up and rushed towards the sound.
"What's wrong?"

▪(son's name) point of view▪
"What's wrong?" Both my dad and mom asked, worried. I didn't know what was going on, I suddenly felt pain. My vision started to go and I felt a sudden anger. I fell to the ground, unable to cope the pain. I could barely speak.

▪your point of view▪
Nico picked him up and rushed him to his room.

~after his pain faded~

He opened his eyes, and they seemed different. They were still the same color but something was different.
"She told me. I have to make the Gods suffer for what they've done." He balled he fist at his side.
She. Was she using him? S-she wouldn't-
"(Y/n)." It was your dad's voice. Posiedon.
"You shouldn't be here." You said.
"Gaaahhh!" (Son's name) was starting to leap at the god but you held him down.
"(Y/n), as much as it pains me to say this about my own grandchild. . .he needs to be eliminated."
"What! No! Leave, before I hurt you myself."
"Listen to me-"
"No. I've heard enough."
"You don't understand."
"I said leave." Your voice was louder than expected.
"Very well."

He dissappeared in blink of an eye.

Oookay, I think I've finished my work here. Umm, thank you for reading this short story. I know it wasn't too good but eh.

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