Chapter 8

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Thanks for the 500 reads! I didn't really think I'd get this many! Thanks so much!!!!! It means a lot. Enjoy that fabulous picture DRAWN BY VIRIA.

What just happened. . .? Why did you just pass out like that?
"(Y/n). . .? (Y/n), are you okay?!" Someone lightly shook you.
You sat up and took a deep breath. Annabeth stood and ran, "I'll go tell Chiron."
"Tell Chiron what. . .?" You asked placing a hand on your stomach. It hurt but that was the least of your worries.
"Is your wound hurting?" Will asked getting closer to you, putting a hand on the back of your head. You noticed Nico turn his head, slightly, with a pained expression. Was it because he made the wound or because of. . .Will.
"It's nothing. Someone, please, tell me what hap-" you growled as you endured the pain, "happened."
"Your wound is hurting. Don't lie." Nico said as he shifted and pulled you away from Will. He gently picked you up and placed you on the bed, "(Y/n) needs to eat. Will, where did you put the food?"
"I'm not hu-" you were cut off.
"It's right over there." He brought the food and sat next to you. Before anything else could happen Percy spoke up, "ahem, Will, maybe you should check up on what's taking Annabeth so long."
"uh. . .okay." He left the tray by your side and left.
"I'm glad you're okay." Percy said placing a hand on your head. You could see that they were all worried, but why? What happen why you blacked out, did you try to hurt someone again?
"Whatever I did, I'm sorry." You said looking out the window. The sky was gray and you could sense a storm brewing.
"Could I talk to (y/n). Privately." Nico asked.
The boy with glasses hesitated but left. Percy paused before leaving, he said something you didn't catch.
"Do you want me to tell you the truth?" He asked, gently grabbing your chin and placing food in your mouth.
You didn't want to admit it. . .but you blushed. It was a barely visible, but you felt your face heat up a tiny bit. You gulp it down and answer, "yes."
"You were possessed. We are sure someone plans to use you and make the Gods pay."
"What possessed me?"
"We don't know. . .yet. I. . .don't want you getting hurt, again. I want to prevent any harm that may come you way."
"I can manage, myself."
"I know you can. But I don't care, I'll protect you. Always." You didn't want to eat knowing Nico hadn't eaten either, in a long time. He cringed at pain. It was from the wound he had gotten in tartarus.
"Let me see your wound." You unwrapped his bandages, making him wince. It was bad, the wound was in a very bad condition. He needed to get helped now.
You felt an instinct take over you. "This is going to hurt." You say placing a hand on his, bleeding, wound. You softly pushed him down, so he was laying. You heard the water from the sink start to flow. In no time it was circling the hand you had on his stomach. "What are you doing?" He asked, jaw clenched.
"I'm healing this before it kills you."
You don't know how, but you know your eyes flickered red. They kept flickering, at an uneven pace, you knew it.
Your instincts told you to put more pressure on it, so you did, cautiously.
You growled as you felt your power falter. He was in pain, but he was trying not to yell or move. You felt the water boil and freeze at the same time. You could feel the the wound slowly shrinking.

You collapsed. You couldn't bare it, you had already pushed past your limit.
The thunder boomed and lighting flashed, illuminating the, now dark, room.
"I'm fine." You said, hiding the pain in your voice. You see Nico was worried as he helped you up.
"Y-you. . . (Y/n), you are. . .thank you."
He hugged you and you hug him back, teary eyed. He was so cold. He started to close in for a kiss but the door starts to open. He was fast, he released you from his hug and backed out of your personal space.
When Percy sees Nico shirtless, this time different because he didn't have bandages, he gave him a death glare.
"Don't worry. Nothing happened, Jackson. She just healed my wound." Nico said as he flicked Percy on the forehead and left.
"(Y/n), how are you feeling?"
"Meh," you sat on the bed, "how about you?"
"I'm sure Nico told you about. . ."
"It's not your fault." He took a seat next to you and hugged you. "I know tartarus did this to you. I know."
"You know?"
"I do." You look in his eyes, you see the change in them. Almost nonexistent but it was there.
"I got to go, but. . .please be careful. And if you find out who is trying to control you. . .tell me, please." With that he left for the door.
"Wait. . .!" You reach out, "sorry, Nevermind." He smiles and leaves you. . .
. . .with your thoughts.

The rain hadn't stopped, but it did soften. It was around midnight. You were tired of being in the cabin. You open the door and creep out. The rain was only a drizzled. You hated the rain but you've grown to like it. It was one of the only reminders that you had of your mother.

Wandering the forest you ended up at a beautiful creek. There was a strange glow illuminating it. You sit on a large rock, edging off into the water.
"What are you doing here?" the sudden sound made you jump. You turn to see Nico.
"Nico. . .! I just wasn't sleepy and sick of being in the cabin."
"How did you heal me?" He sat with you, not minding the rain.
"Well, I don't know. I just. . .it was just like an instinct. I didn't know I could do that."
"Well, I see that it takes a lot of your energy. It's something you use in emergencies, and only emergencies."
"I understand."
"I know you do." He brushed your hair behind your ear.

And then a kiss.

His lips lingered on your cheek. You didn't know what to do, you just sat there. Silent. You quickly got up and lost your balance. You let out a quiet shriek, not wanting to wake someone. A hand catched your wrist but it was to late. You were already to low. You only brought him down with you.

The water was cold at first but then tepid. It took you a while to realize that you were in Nico's arms and slowly sinking.
You landed on you back, still not letting go. You remembered that Nico, being the son of Hades, could not breath underwater. You formed a bubble around you both and released him.
"S-sorry about that." He looked away, sitting up, across from you. You knew he was blushing, so you laughed.
"What?" He looked back at you. The strange glow in the water made him look. . .cute.
"Um, I never thanked you for saving my life. . .back in tartarus. So. . .thank you." You leaned in and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek.
"I wanted to protect you. . . But I just ended up hurting you more." You could see he was getting depressed.
"Fucking idiot." You didn't mean to cuss but it just slipped out. You grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled him into a kiss.
He was such an idiot. He did what he did for a reason. You were going to kill a friend of his. We'll at least you thought he was his friend, you didn't know.
The bubble popped.
He put his arms around you kissed back, sweetly.
Sooo, who wants to be a mermaid? Or a Greek mythical creature?? I'm up for anything. By the way you can stay demigod. Please comment if you wanna be part mythical creature or stay demigod.

And here is 'what if' you lost your memory.

You opened your eyes and quickly backed away from them. Who were they?
"Who are you?" You asked them as they all stared at you, startled and confused.
"(Y/n), you don't. . .remember us. . .?" The boy with green eyes asked.
"Who are you all?" You demanded. You notice them all tense up with the tone in your voice. The blonde girl even reached for her weapon. You heard one of the boys growl, so you looked at him. His stomach was wrapped in bandages and he was looking at you, with concern in his brown eyes. You could see his fist shake by his sides, like he wanted to punch something. What was he so angry about? . . .The temperature dropped to freezing. The floor had even began to crawl with frost.
"You don't remember us? Who did this to you?!" He questioned you grabbing your shoulders.
"Did what to me?" You looked at the frost on the ground and pick at it.
"Do. . .do you remember me. . .?" You don't give him a response. . .because you didn't.
"Please, let me go." You grab his hand and remove it off your shoulder. Then, you shake off his other hand and get up. You growl as a pain strikes your stomach.
"Don't touch me."
Who wants this side instead?


By the way, I'm sorry about this chapter not being as long as I wanted it to be.

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