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'I really shouldn't be the one helping you, El.'

'I'm sorry. I'll finish the rest-'

'No, no, no, I don't mean that I don't want to help. It's that someone else should be helping you. Someone named Roan.'

Elke sighed as she heaved a box out of the boot of her car. Her friend, Arabella, followed her into the building towards the lift. The third trip to the 4th floor consisted of Elke's kitchen appliances. Arabella's box weighed with a toaster and kettle, two of three things Elke actually used when cooking. Her sacred microwave was in her own box and became the victim of her absent stare.

'He didn't even drive you home last night. He could have at least spared you time to help with all this stuff,' Arabella motioned to the box in her arms. The lift dinged and the two friends headed into the hall.

'I need someone to help install the Internet so he'll be around at some point.'

'And then you should end things.'

Elke scoffed a laugh. She knew Arabella was being serious through her transparent joke. Her relationship used to be a touchy subject but it had gone on long enough for Elke's best friend to voice her obvious dislike for her boyfriend. Elke didn't flinch anymore.

Her new apartment faced Amsterdam's back streets. It was quiet, small and rennovated no more than five years ago. The kitchen, living room and tiny space for a dining table dominated the apartment. A window overlooked the street below and another in the singular bedroom did the same.

Big enough for a queen-sized bed, a chest of drawers and a dressing table, the bedroom was perfect for Elke. She could even park her car in the underground carpark, a luxury she didn't have at her old place.

'What's your plan?' Arabella asked, straightening up with the box now by her feet.

'I want the TV there, the sofas will go there-'

'I mean about Roan.'

Elke's raised arm fell against her side with a slap. She looked to her friend whose hands sat on her hips. With raised black eyebrows, Arabella waited for Elke's serious response. She wasn't going to let her friend avoid a definitive answer to her long-running question.

Glancing out the window, Elke brought her hands together in front of her and took a deep breath.

'Once I'm happy here... and I sign for the promotion...' she said slowly. 'I'll do it.'

'Do what?'

She wanted to groan in irritation.

'I'll break up with Roan.'

Arabella's hands flew up in celebration and Elke rolled her eyes. If only it was that easy to just break up with her boyfriend. The reason Elke was pushing it off was because she told herself she would regret it.

With very few friends, Elke dreaded to be lonely. Roan's presence, although some times feigned, still gave her comfort. When Arabella was busy, Elke looked for stimulation and company in her boyfriend. If it meant that she would have to sit in his garage as he worked on his car then fine. But when this got old, the talk of seperating became a common subject between herself and Arabella. But the 'what if's accompanied it and now, Elke put obsticles in her own path to prolong the act.

'Being single is not all bad. Just look at me,' Arabella chimed and gestured to herself. 'It'll make you see that you are such a catch that is being wasted on a petrolhead.'

'Men can have hobbies, Bella.'

'Yes, but they should be just that; hobbies.'

It was the same conversation and it always ended the same way; with Arabella being right and Elke defeated in her argument.

Ineffable ꕥ Joost Klein ꕥWhere stories live. Discover now