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'I can't believe how much I haven't grown since I was nineteen.'

Elke turned at Joost's words and saw him dawning a grey polo and blue jeans. The old clothes that were in his wardrobe was all he had, but at the tightness of the polo around his biceps, Elke didn't mind.

'So you were this tall at nineteen?' Elke made sure and Joost looked up from fixing the bottom of his polo. He nodded, making her hum in thought.

They were going to head into the town centre for a walk. Elke wore one of Nanda's t-shirts while in the same jeans she was wearing the night before. The older Klein had also let her borrow some make-up, which consisted of some concealer, powder and mascara.

Elke knew that Nanda hadn't given the products over just to use on her face. As she sat in front of the floor-length mirror, Elke worked at covering the marks along her jaw and neck.

She would hate for people in Leeuwarden to think the worst. The town was small and gave the impression of being closely-knit. That meant that people would talk, or even recognise Joost from his school days. A rumour spreading throughout the town about the girl who walked with bruises around her neck with Nanda's younger brother wasn't something Elke wanted.

Joost drove Elke's car into town and parked it along one of the canals. As she stepped out of the passenger's seat, Joost was there waiting for her. He held out his hand and when Elke accepted it, he guided her alongside the chain barriers.

'There's a bar along here that do good sandwiches. I want a drink,' Joost noted and Elke looked to him with raised eyebrows.

'It's the middle of the day?'

'And I'm on vacation.'

'In your hometown?'


He matched her tone and exaggerated his expression. Through his frames, Joost locked eyes with the girl who swatted his shoulder at his sarcasm. He let out a yelp and gripped his collarbone where a medical patch sat underneath his polo. At his reaction, Elke dropped her smile and pulled them to a stop with a look of horror.

'I'm sorry! I forgot it's still-'

'I'm joking, liefje. You couldn't hurt me even if you tried.'

Elke took it as a challenge and tried to squeeze his hand that engulfed her's. She put all her strength into her grip, but Joost looked down at her with a mild, unpained expression. A smirk even started to grow on his face and Elke brought her other hand to double the strength. But even then, Elke's attempt was pitiful and Joost watched her concentrate while unfazed.

'Surely, that has to hurt,' Elke said.

'Not really. Not like this.'

Squealing, the single squeeze of her hand was enough for Elke to beg. Joost only strengthened his grip for an unbearable second before he relaxed it and errupted into laughter. The girl doubled over and went to rip her hand out of Joost's, only to be pulled back with his coo.

'Aw come on, now, I barely squeezed,' Joost used his free arm to pull Elke into his chest. Powerless against him, Elke accepted the embrace as his apology.

Arriving at the bar, the two settled at an outdoor table with their lunch and a single pint of beer. People occupied the picnic tables as well as at the high tables inside. Heads turned when the couple walked in, Joost's bright hair and eccentric style drawing some confused and impressed looks. Not only this, but women eyed him while men eyed Elke. They were an attractive couple but they looked at no one except each other.

Joost sipped his drink while Elke looked out to the canal. There weren't any ducks this time, but the people that walked past were enough entertainment.

Ineffable ꕥ Joost Klein ꕥWhere stories live. Discover now