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One of Enzo and Stuntje's first decisions as the new overseers, was to inform the group of their next steps. Alanis took charge and ushered Arabella out of Joost's apartment before the meeting could commence. She took Elke's key that was willingly handed over on the way out. With free range of Elke's apartment, Arabella was well-taken care of by the smaller woman, who decided the story about how she and Apson first met would take her mind off the night's events.

This left Joost to get in the shower and Elke to wait on the edge of his bed. The apartment was quiet despite the men that debriefed on the other side of the bedroom door. Elke could barely hear Stuntje's voice as she sat with the Stitch plushie in her lap. All she focused on was the sound of running water from the bathroom and the way the velvet material of the blue monster's ear felt between her fingers.

When the water stopped, Elke watched the bathroom door attentively. Joost's clothes were left in a pile amongst the mess that covered his floor. Elke had seen the speckles of blood on the white shirt. They matched those that were sparce across Joost's face. But the main root of her worry had been the state of his knuckles on his right hand.

Raw and stinging, Joost's skin was splintered and crusted. Elke had tried to take hold of them but Joost was already heading for his bedroom before she could. Whether he was dying for a shower or wanted to avoid her pampering, at least, for now, Elke spared Joost as he rinsed off the night.

The bathroom door opened and Joost appeared with a towel around his waist. His hair was wet and the absence of his glasses made his eyes all the more bright. As he passed her to get to his drawers, Joost flashed Elke a tired smile. His stare remained on the woman as he pulled open a drawer and only gave it his attention when he needed to grab some shorts.

Once on, Joost dropped his towel and turned. He hadn't expected Elke to be behind him but couldn't be happier to see her hands outstretched. Stepping into her hold, Joost's stomach leapt at feeling her small, dainty fingers against his bare sides.

He went to cup her face but paused when Elke leaned away to look at the state of his splintered knuckles.

Busted, he thought to himself.

'Do they hurt?' she asked.

'I can't feel them if they do.'

It was the truth. Joost was sure they would sting and bruise tomorrow. But in his bedroom, Joost could only think about the best night's sleep they were about to have.

Elke mulled over the damaged skin with her bottom lip between her teeth. Contemplating grabbing the First Aid kit that was in the bathroom, she thought about the last time she patched Joost up. The bullet wounds on his chest and ribs had scarred, leaving prominent white marks against his pale skin. She looked to the wounds and hoped that his knuckles wouldn't do the same.

As she went to run her thumb across the irritation, her chin was lifted with the side of an index finger. Craning her neck upwards, Elke met Joost's adoring stare. His knuckles were forgotten as Elke marvelled at how a smile played on his lips and how his pupils overtook his irises. Joost's finger held up her chin as a means to see her clearer. She couldn't look away with his thumb now holding her face steady.

'There's a house in Leeuwarden. Move there with me, liefje,' Joost said. 'Just us. Stuntje's taking over and I want to make you happy. I can take care of you.'

Joost spoke softly and his voice was thick. She felt his touch and tones in her bones and was near speechless at his plea. Joost bloodied hand fell to her waist, sliding around to rest on the small of her back. The hoodie she wore did nothing to stop the feeling of his large palm in her back's curve and tingles spread through her skin as Elke was pulled closer to Joost's front.

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