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Arabella had barely looked up from her phone all night. It irked Elke and she voiced her irritation as any best friend would.

'Shall I leave you to it? Or did you want to actually talk to me tonight?'

Sheepishly putting the screen face down, Arabella looked to her friend from across the bar table. It was the first time in months that they had gone out drinking together. In the middle of the city, the two friends wanted to celebrate the many things that had happened in Elke's life; her new apartment, her promotion and the new man on the scene. It was also Arabella's way of making sure that Elke was alright after the news about Roan. But it seemed tonight's organiser was distracted.

'I'm sorry. He likes to talk and I just can't help it. He's so sweet!' Arabella put her grinning face into her hands. 'He's from Germany and he's looking for places to move here.'

'Why would anyone move from Germany? I'd love to live in Bavaria.'

Their normal chatter relapsed and Arabella didn't pick up her phone again. They got more drinks from the bar and it wasn't long until Elke was feeling buzzed. She was enjoying the bar's atmosphere, Arabella's wild stories from work and the feeling of being out in the city's night life. When living in Amsterdam, Elke had to remind herself that she needed to take advantage from time to time.

Finishing her drink, Elke got up from the stool to go to the bar. Arabella stayed behind to save their table and Elke waited amongst the unorganised crowd.

For the night, Elke wore a corset top with a modest puff sleeve and a tight skirt. The side slit left her leg exposed to the cold air but Elke convinced herself that wearing a jacket would even the temperature out. She knew that on their walk home, Elke would be kicking herself.

People laughed and shouted over the music to their friends. The dancefloor to the side of the bar was rammed and bartenders made their way from corner to corner making drinks.

Elke and Arabella's drinks and the payment machine were put down on the bar by the bartender. Elke pulled out her purse but before she could lower her card, another appeared and the beep of the payment sounded. The bartender took the machine away and moved onto the next person, leaving Elke to look up with a hanging jaw.

'How many drinks have you paid for tonight?'

'All of them because women can pave their own way in this world.'

'That's exactly what a finance consultant would say.'

Elke mirrored Joost's grin and fluttered her eyes closed as he leaned down. He kissed her on the lips and threaded their fingers together. He took one drink and Elke took the other, the girl leading him back to where Arabella sat waiting.

She had snuck another text while Elke was away but rushed to put it down when she saw her friend coming back. But it was surprise to see the blonde trailing behind her.

'Bella, this is Joost. My... neighbour?' Elke introduced as a question and Joost put the drink down on the table.

'Elke's boyfriend,' he corrected and shook Arabella's hand that sat awaiting.

'Boyfriend?' Arabella repeated with a raised eyebrows and a cheeky grin. 'I didn't know you guys were that far ahead!'

Elke was sure she looked foolish standing beside Joost. With her ice clinking in her drink, she was yet to take a sip as her mouth hung open. Joost confidently smiled at Arabella, charming his way through the conversation that had been unexpected. He was even wearing his glasses, something that Elke swooned over. With his blonde mullet and in a white tanktop, bomber jacket and denim jeans, Joost was, by far, the most handsome man in the bar.

Ineffable ꕥ Joost Klein ꕥWhere stories live. Discover now