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The meeting had ended without a solution to their problem. Alanis' suggestion was the final straw and Joost stood from his chair with a call to regroup at a later date. The wince that accompanied his rise was noticed by Elke and as they filtered out into the workshop, she put a hand on his arm.

'Are you okay?'

'I'm fine. I just need to lay down.'

'We'll go back to mine. You can take a nap and I'll make us some lunch.'

Nothing sounded better to Joost. He lowered himself into the passenger's seat while Elke got behind the wheel. She drove the Swift back to their building and glanced towards Joost. His elbow leaned against the window and his hand sat over his sunglasses. His chest rose and fell in rhythmic breaths, telling Elke that he was close to dozing off.

Joost collapsed as carefully as he could onto Elke's bed. The duck plushie fell from its upright position onto his face. Standing in the doorway, Elke stifled a laugh as Joost left the Mallard limp over his forehead. His long legs hung over the edge of the bed and his arms were spread wide, the afternoon sun keeping him warm as he laid in its stream from the window.

'You didn't have to be so mean to Alanis, you know?' she decided to say.

'Her suggestion was insane. She won't take it personally.'

'Are you always like that when you're with them?'

'I have to be. It's only with you that I soften up.'

Her insides melted at the admission and she took a seat on the edge of her bed. Next to his sweatpant-covered legs, Elke peaked underneath his shirt that had ridden up. Nothing had bled through his bandages and the edge of Joost's soft tummy was exposed against his Polo Ralph Lauren underwear band.

When Elke looked up, she blushed at being caught by the man himself. Joost's head was raised to look down at her and a knowing smile sat on his face.

'I was checking your bandages,' she said in defence. The bed creaked as Joost sat up slowly, his shoulder flush against hers as he joined her on the edge.

'Sure you were,' he teased. 'It's okay, El. You can look. I look at you all the time.'

'You do?'

'Of course, I do. You don't know that your butt wobbles when you walk and your boobs-'

'Alright, thank you, Joost.'

Elke's face was on fire and she stood up from the bed to busy herself. Joost stayed grinning while kicking off his sneakers. He was about to shuffle up to the pillows before Elke paused in her walk out of the bedroom.

'About what Alanis said...' she started, hesitant to continue but unable to keep her tongue at bay. Joost looked at her in the doorway with his grin faltering.

'If it would help you get rid of Nathan and if I had someone go with me, I could try-'

'No. Don't even think about it, Elke.'

'But Joost-'

'No, alright?' Joost was up on his feet and across the room in seconds. The struggle Elke suffered at meeting his gaze was cut short as the man stopped with an inch between them. She strained her neck upwards and met the hard glaze of Joost's features. He looked offended, forcing Elke to fight the urge to retract her statement.

'You might think you know what Acid's like but you don't. He's not the man you've seen. I'm not letting you risk your life just so we can have it easy.'

'What else are you going to do, Joost? Apson said that any sign of you guys would set Acid off. If I can help, I want to do it.'

Joost hated how she referred to Nathan. The name was just as sick as the feeling it brought to his stomach. Elke's lips were too pretty to be using the nickname that only corrupted people used. She was the perfect way for Joost to seperate his professional life from his personal life, but the border hazed at her use of the underground name.

Ineffable ꕥ Joost Klein ꕥWhere stories live. Discover now