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Joost hated early night jobs. They were risky with the amount of traffic and patrol cars that were still on the streets. But the pay had been too good to turn down and Stuntje had a favour to return.

So, Joost had taken the job and it went smoothly. They almost always did but Joost still preferred the early hours of the morning. At least then, he could fit in one cigarette and be asleep all within an hour of getting home.

Entering the carpark, Joost turned the corner. The echo of his loud engine bounced off the grey walls and he wandered what he was going to do with himself for the next four hours. Maybe he would have a drink. Maybe he would call Daan and see if he wanted to come over.

He pulled into a space and looked at the Swift several cars down. It's compact size and square shape was cute, just like its driver. Joost stepped out of his car while ridding his brain of the thought until he saw a familiar brunette heading for the lift.

He couldn't resist. No matter how much he knew he shouldn't, Joost couldn't stop his tongue from saying,

'Watch out-' she turned '-I've got my car keys in my hand. Might want to get in that lift before I run you down.'

Elke stopped and laughed. It gave Joost the time to cross the distance while smiling at his own joke. The voice in his head was being shushed by the sight of Elke's wrinkled nose. It wasn't long before it was silenced completely and Joost's selfish side took over.

'I heard you coming this time. You're not very quiet,' she admitted. They both walked the rest of the way and Joost pressed the lift button.

'Are you just getting home from work?' he asked, taking in her shoulder bag, wide-leg slacks and satin blouse.

'Yeah. I had to stay late to get something done. What about you? Working late as a "mechanic"?'

Joost forced himself to laugh casually as Elke's fingers surrounded his job title. He had called himself that many times before and never had an issue with his story. It helped that there was some truth to it, making it easy to add things that made it more believable. With his car knowledge and experience, Joost could easily string the story of being a humble mechanic.

But when stepping into the lift and smelling Elke's perfume from their closeness, Joost struggled. She smelt fresh yet sweet. Even after a day at the office, Elke smelt like she had walked out of a meadow. It had been eaiser reversing around that sharp corner today than to remember what he usually said about his day at the 'workshop'.

'Was that a... tough question?' Elke's inquisitve tone made Joost jump. In impeccable timing, the lift doors opened up to the 4th floor.

'No, sorry. I just remembered I left something at work,' he shook his head and liked the way Elke smiled up at him.

They stepped out of the lift and the girl stopped before she headed in her direction

'Joost, I wanted to ask you something,' she started and it made him stop. 'Roan asked if you were going to that meet on Saturday. He said he liked your car-'

'I bet he didn't say that.'

Elke pressed her lips together. She had tried to paint a different picture of something Joost had already seen. It was pointless convincing Joost that Roan liked even one measly aspect about her neighbour.

'You're right,' she caved and noticed a tightness in his Joost's face. 'But he did say he wanted you to meet someone.'

This made his blonde eyebrows disappear into his hair. Joost took note of the discomfort in Elke's face. It was hard admitting that her boyfriend didn't like him. It made Joost feel bad for cutting her off before but his own pride got the better of him.

Ineffable ꕥ Joost Klein ꕥWhere stories live. Discover now