Ch. 2: Bob's Grill Is Burning

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It was a morning at 10:00 AM where people enjoyed themselves, walking with dogs and riding bikes on the sidewalk.

"Isn't that beautiful, Linda?" A man asked in a handsome voice.

"Oh yes, it is, babe." His wife replied to him.

This man named is Robert Bob Belcher. He's 45 years old, wearing a grey shirt, light blue shorts, and shoes. He is a generation restauranteur guy who runs the grill, and helps out the family, friends, and other people. They also called him 'Bob' in his nickname.

 They also called him 'Bob' in his nickname

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And his wife named Linda Belcher. She is 44 years old, wearing orange-red shirt, blue pants, and casual shoes. She's a eccentric wife to Bob Belcher who raised a family. But sometimes she doesn't get drunk, and had so much fun.

"You know, the kids should be home after first day of school on September 4th

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"You know, the kids should be home after first day of school on September 4th."

"They'll be fine, Bob, if they could teach any of kids in certain ways." Linda responded to Bob.

"Well they should, at least I won't have to be working late again." He said.

"Like what, workin' on the barn restaurant?" Some guy with his hat teases him in jokingly voice.

Bob didn't laugh but just mocking. "'Like workin' on the barn restaurant.' Get real." He then turned away from him without a insult.

Linda walks to the kitchen counter and prepare for the work skills.

Looks like his wife is a casual as always. Guy thought.

Bob turned on the grill while humbling from the song called The Best Day Of My Life in his mind, and does all that dance moves with style. With a moment; Bob had to ignore the person for making jokes about his job, and his work.

Door bell rang as other person came in his restaurant. And one of Bob's friend names Warren Fitzgerald. His age is in 40s, wearing green shirt with a pocket, tan pants, and work shoes. Hair color are half-brunette and half-grey. He is a old friend of Bob Belcher, and being called 'Mr. Fitzgerald' by some people.

"Hello? I would like to have coffee

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"Hello? I would like to have coffee." Warren called out.

Bob turned around and saw his old school friend sitting in dinning cash counter. They've been friends for a very long while ago ever since childhood. "Oh  my  God. Warren Fitzgerald." He surprised.

"That's right. You know me well, my friend."

"I don't believe that you came here without interrupting my song."

"Nah, Bob. I just came in with some coffee if you don't mind." He suggested him.

"You know, I  really gotta get back to the kitchen and–" The smoke coming from the grill as soon as Bob sniff it, and gasps. "Oh shit! The grill!"

Warren doubts something about the smoke on a stove, and wonder. "You alright there, buddy?"

Bob hurried to fill up water with bucket, so he would put out the frying pan. It splashed. The grill was burning as it is. "I don't believe this crap." He panted, softly.

Here comes Linda Belcher walking in in unison voice. "Bob, what'd you do with the grill?"

"Oh damn, I forgot about to turn it down like that. In fact, come look at this."

She and Warren come to see how it happens.

"Jesus, Bob. Looks like you almost sat a whole building on fire." Warren said, honestly.
.A/n: Wow! Bob's grill had almost spread out of fire as well. Tell me what you all think about the chapter.

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