Ch. 6: What Is A Aliens?

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It was 8:39 AM, Bob Belcher came outside to grab some newspaper from the boy who rode a bike. He got back inside to see what's happening, then flipped the newspaper. "Oh my God." Bob whispered.


"What the hell do you mean 'An alien?'" One of man spoke in confusion.

"What the hell do you mean 'An alien?'" One of man spoke in confusion

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This is Teddy. His age is in 40s and almost 50s. He's wearing a blue button shirt with white T-shirt underneath, brown cargo pants, costume shoes, and grey hat. His hair was blonde and facial hair is brown. The nickname was called 'Teddy The Handyman and Contractor' by some people. Also, he is a brother to Bob Belcher.

"That's what the news says last night Louise and Rudy told me and my wife." Bob said, explanation. "On top of that, there were facehuggers out there after that man on the news told us not to go near it."

"Jeez, calm down, Bob." Warren Fitzgerald agitated him. "Nobody's gettin' killed because some aliens weren't coming near us."

"Look, my husband has a point." Linda agreed. "That could be more aliens out there."

"What is a aliens?"

"I don't know." Bob sighed deeply from his brother. "But we have to find out what that thing is."

"But what about your childrens, Mrs. Belcher?" Warren asked.

"They're still in school. And we need to go find out what it is." She suggested them. Warren, Teddy, Bob, and his wife Linda were exiting the house by closing the restaurant door. Soon, they found a truck so they can get in while Bob turns on the engine. The radio station music has turned on as well as he drives a truck.

                 At The Woodlands

Hunter truck drove into the forest on the road. All six hunters were a fictionally sat inside the wagon trailer except one driver.

"You sure think the news is tellin' us about that creatures." Hunter #1 memorized.

"So?" Hunter #2 said. "Ain't none of us know what they look like."

"Hey, Leon?" Hunter #3 began to ask. "How much further do we get there?"

"About a little bit longer." Leon responded in front seat while driving. Suddenly, he saw something near the tree once he pulls over and stops.

Hunter #2 could literally saw a busted trees in short way in directions. "I'd be damned."

Everybody shocked quietly with their eyes wide open.


"Alright, people, let's check it out." Leon ordered, getting out. Hunters were about to click a rifles. "Remember: do not shoot until y'all saw something."

They all walked down to the forest of New Jersey. How did the trees fall? Bad enough from everywhere. The dogs sniffing a tracks all over the woods, until then, Hunter #4 see a crashing metal door. "Hey, guys! Fellas!" It caused them to hear.

"Goddamn it, what is it?" Hunter #5 asked, grumbling.

"I think we outta take a look at this."

Leon, and the others stopped by to check something out in the woods. It's a rocket space ship they saw when it landed on the ground about two days ago from the sky.

"You don't think that ship is--"

"Crashed in the tree. Yes." He guessed for him.

"What the hell happened here?" Hunter #6 found out, stepping closer to the maintenance space door.

Before that, he heard a snarling noise outside the space ship. It made him turn around and something's sliced through a deer's throat, causing all hunters to stare at invisible ghost. Electric goes off when it's not a ghost, it's a predator.

"Holy damn." Leon gasps, looking at one predator above the ship. "Get ready to shoot!"

Predator roars loudly as if he runs away once they shot him, it moved off with a deer whose once dragged backwards.

"Don't let it get away." Hunter #4 said, chasing a predator along with others.

Deer dropped from it as once. Leon goes that way, bringing Hunter #2 with him. The rest of them stayed and see what caused the deer bleeds. The blood is dripping out.

"Was it dead?" He wondered.

Hunter #5 didn't seem like two holes in a neck where a big marked came from, as if he looked. "I think we should report this to police."

Sharp tail cuts through a man's stomach, making everyone freak out what that thing is. Hunter #3 screams piercing. It's a alien, who was behind him as horrible. Mouth were opened, and it has a tongue with small mouth. Ka-splack.

"Shoot it!" Hunter #4 shouted, orderly.

They shot one alien down after one man down. Here comes another one coming ahead of them.

"Run!" He yelled, priority.

Three hunters were about to head back to the truck, where two aliens are chasing them.
.A/n: Saw that alien, right? One predator, one alien has taken down, and two aliens are chasing hunters. Let's find out when I write more to come.

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