Ch 9: Escaping School/Evacuation

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"Hurry! I can see a exit door!" Louise hollered. Therefore, xenomorph predalien continued to chase all of them down once they're almost on their way out.

Tina busted out of the door along with her siblings and two friends. Roaring in distance from a monster.

"Did we loose em?" Rudolph asked, panting, they stopped running by taking all breaths.

Gene turned around from public school, and predalien still coming after them. "Nope. It's still here." Just about a five seconds later, a helicopter flashlight on a alien who got caught.

"This is pilot one, we've found a alien. I repeat: we  have found  a god damn alien." Pilot #1 said on a speaker.

Xenomorph predalien scattered away from the helicopter up there.

"Are you seeing this?" Pilot #2 asked.

"Hell, yeah. We caught him all right." Pilot #3 responded, filming a camera.


On the news, the reporter woman in tan suit began to say on TV.

"We're now live at public school of New Jersey where the kids were, and seemed like they're evacuated because there is a streamy creature in there about twelve minutes ago. Today at 1:20 PM, one of those boy who saw a alien."

Boy in blue shirt and green short has now begun to spoke in microphone on TV. "When me and the rest of us saw a monster outside, and it looks like a xenomorph predalien came in to attack us."

The SWAT team brought the kids out of maintenance door orderly. Crowds talking indistinctly at once, knowing what causes a damage.

Four people had just arrived on time like anybody else who was standing outside to pick up the kids, and then got scared with fearless.

"Oh my God." Linda could literally see them in her eyes without protesting.

Here comes one of those cop steps in. "Excuse me, ma'am. You can't come in here."

"But our kids in there!" Bob said, standing aside her.

"The helicopter is taking them to safety area. Don't worry, sir. We will take care of it."

"Kids with them?"

"That's a only way to get your kids safe."

"Hey! Get those people out of here!" Another officer commanded, loudly.

"I'm sorry, folks. Me and police will handle a situation." Warren Fitzgerald said. "You must go to your kids."

"What about the three of us?" Teddy worries.

"You won't stay here that long."

Kids are now with all parents, and confirmed them away from predalien.

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