Ch 11: Predators Battles With Aliens

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One helicopter flying down in front of USA army safety department at 6:20 PM, and landed on the road. The helicopter engine turns off.

One of the soldiers stepped up to the pilot one and say. "Thank God you brought them here."

"Well, I got bad news." He began. "There's a one predalien that are in school and ran after attack. And the good news is: I brought the kids here for safety."

"Alright. You kids come out of the helicopter." Soldier ordered. Louise, Gene, Tina, Tammy, and Rudy steps out at the time.

"Damn, this is really  whole army." Rudy said, seeing what they're preparing for battle of Xenomorph and predators.

"Is everyone ready for battle?" Other soldier asked.

"Yes, sir!" All soldiers saluting in station.

Just then, alert sounds beeping from a monitor to see what's coming.

"Uh, I think you gotta take them inside."

"Where should we take the kids?" Third soldier asked the pilot. And for that, a red laser aimed on the head, and gets shot the helicopter pilot's head from a laser gun that were light blue. Blood came out.

They freaked out what it was out there. And metal electric goes out, here comes predator and two.

"Marvin, take those kids out of here, we'll hold them off!" One soldier suggested.

"Come on, let's move." He escorts the five kids to the bedroom where the army sleeps at night.

All the soldiers began to open fire with all guns, predator hops down on bottom, grabbed a chopper fin, and then throw it at one soldier. It makes him crash.

"Fall back. I repeat: fall back! One man down." Third soldier yelled, responding in walkie-talkie. Soldiers runs back inside of department from one predator who came after them.

"Like this is totally horrifyingly." Tammy says in her literally voice. "What do we do now, guys?"

They don't seem to understood what Tammy had just said to her friends was unreasonable. And looks like they all made it to the bedroom where all of bunk beds, everyone looked at them as welcoming guests.

"Say what brings y'all here?"

"I brought five kids in just for a secret hideout, so there's been attacked outside." Marvin told the others.

Louise Belcher steps in to tell them. "And mostly, a predalien just came in New Jersey and killing those people. You soldiers are not willing to help take down that monster."

"Geez, settle down, Louise." Gene told her. "They don't even know what to do to get rid of all the aliens."

"Actually, I know what happened in situation." Two soldier added in. "Marvin and the rest of us seen a news how the predator got here, shooting many hunters. We shouldn't been out there to help them, but they're too strong."

Marvin, and everyone else agreed with understandable. "Yeah, but... We already done what we could to save them, and--"

A man screams outside in hallway as they all heard. Door banging hardly as if the kids individually stepped back after gasping.

"Get behind me, guys." Said Tina, making sure if things will happen.

"Move slowly underneath the bunk beds. That's a order." Marvin urges all soldiers and kids once they spread out, hiding underneath.

Door banging continued.

One predator heard inside with a vision look.

"Get behind me, guys." Disorderly voice has spoken from Tina Belcher, repeatedly.

Until suddenly, a door busted in. That made Marvin gasps when the seven xenomorph aliens came in, snarling. They wondered where the humans at so they can eat for dinner. Tammy didn't say anything, but whispering like she scared. Please, don't let them kill me. Please, don't let them kill me. Tammy thought, panicking.

Except one xenomorph alien hears a busted window sound coming from predator, and here it is. Roaring madly at 'em. Xenomorph aliens began to charge him as screeching. Predator shoots one in the head, booming.

"Guys, I see a broken window!" Rudolph Stieblitz whispered, pointing out.

"But what if we get caught?" Louise worries about what they might do.

"Trust me. Marvin will guide us out of this place. Now come on." He and four friends crawled out of bunk beds gently while predator continues to take down that aliens.

Xenomorph climes a wall to get closer, and tackles a predator.

Marvin looked at the kids going over through the busted window after glass came off since the monsters got here. Then he has a idea. "Soldiers, let's move to the window."

They crawled out from bunk beds also, and Marvin goes first. Then two soldier going over through the window.

Slicing a alien's neck from a predator with a sharp knife, except one xenomorph alien went after human who crawled into the window last but not least.

One soldier got grabbed by a alien, screaming in horror. Marvin saw a blood slash from a head, and immediately began to run.
.A/n: Xenomorph and predators are battling in army department that came in the right place. Would they ever give up a fight after that battle is over? Find out more when I finish with two chapters left.

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