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The weekend passed by really fast. As if the universe wanted me to confront him on Monday and here I was. Ready to face my boss who nearly became my lover. 

I had to present him a new business plan and explain it to him and if I had to do it meticulously I would use an hour or so. An hour with him looking at me.

"Do you need anything before the meeting?" Beatrice asked politely. 

"A triple espresso. I need to kick myself this morning." I replied. She nodded and her face showed how concerned she was but I'm her boss so she didn't want to seem friendly.

I wore layers of clothes on me today. I don't know I needed to feel DRESSED. I had V-top with trousers and a coat. I didn't remove it. 

I checked the powerpoint Beatrice had set to see if it was just as I asked her and if I needed to correct anything. 

Okay I wanted to waste some time.

But there was nothing to correct. Everything was fine and that slightly irritated me. 

A few minutes later she came back with my coffee. I took three sips and honestly that was the darkest coffee I ever had in my life. I always take light milk coffee. 

"Can you already transfer a copy of this PowerPoint to his office please?" I asked Beatrice. She did all what I asked without shrugging and honestly it felt like she was a slave. "And I know it's Monday today but after work can we go out? Like doing something cool you know. Maybe Spa" I proposed with a smile hoping she would accept my invitation.

"That would be awesome" she smiled. "Oh and I forgot. I have some croissants for you" 

"Thank you" I said giggling "I am going to eat those when I'll be done with the boss."

"Okay as you wish. Good luck Amarine." She said before exiting. She called me by name. That felt so good.

Back to reality.

I grabbed my USB key for the projection. I think his assistant has already set everything. I headed to the elevator and pressed the button to the eleventh floor. My hear was racing. I could faint just with all the pressure my heart had.

The doors opened.

I went to his office which took one third of the floor. He really cherished his 'personal space'.

I didn't need to knock since it was made of glass and he surely saw me coming a while ago but I still did. I heard a soft voice allowing me to enter. Not his though. I entered and saw him and his assistant. He was sat and she was connecting the projector. 

"Goodmorning Mr Chancewood" I said sounding a little bit irritated. I decided to ignore that.

"Goodmorning Amarine." he stated still pronouncing it with that tone. I won't lie that sent some shivers to my skin. "So what do you have for me today?" he asked as I watched his assistant leaving the room making my anxiety to level up.

"A project. The aim is to regularize the transactions and they expected budget to be used for the next month and how to make sure to not exceed. I will need all your attention as I will gladly consider any point you may not consider." I said sternly.

"You always have all my attention." he purred.

I ignored that sentence and arranged everything so as to start the presentation. I took the remote and started. He was kind enough to not mention any of the activities we did on Friday. I would've freaked out.

Artagatis POV  

I listened as she presented her project to me. Wondering what made beauty. How someone could be that attractive.

I knew I wasn't supposed to talk about what happened Friday if not she might freak out. Her presentation was good, but the view of her was better. She looked perfect. I couldn't help but wonder what happened which moulded her into this mature woman at such a young age. 

Concentrate she's doing her best to help you manage this company.

"I have two trips this month. I'm going to London and Berlin" I said interrupting her.

"Well I would include that in the expenses. I also thought you could ask your team or whoever is in charge of new ideas to find something quick. The profit you've made the last three months is regular." she said with that sweet and confident voice of hers.

"What do you mean by regular?" I knew what it means but I wanted us to have a two sided conversation.

"Well that there's not really a great difference in the profit you've made the last three months. Only a few thousands of difference. Normally you should have at least $150,000 of difference after each month." she said before looking back to the projection. "As you can see the graph is having a straight line from August to October." she pointed out.

"Yeah and what do you suggest?" I asked worried. She was right. My benefit had reduced since I engaged that bastard. Glad he quited before I sued him for professional incompetence.

"Wait who me?" she asked pointing herself. She looked so surprised I chuckled.

"Yes you. What do you think can make the profit increase?" I repeated.

"Well I think you should advertise more, and sign with another company. Not something permanent just for a couple of months." she answered. "Well I think I am done. This is what I had to present to you. It is now up to you. Have a good day." She said before turning off the projector and headed to the door to exit. I didn't want her to leave just like that. I went to her and held her arm.

"Amarine wait" 

"What do you want?" she asked avoiding any eye contact.

"Make amends for-"

"Oh please stop. Stop trying to make amends all the time. That's ridiculous."

"You don't speak to me like that." I said warning her.

"But I do. And you're not doing anything to me." she threatened. I turned her so she faced me and pulled her towwards me holding her arms tight. I could feel her heart racing. Her pores opening to let out sweat because of her nervousness.

"What do you think you're doing?" she asked trying to get off my grip.

"I will fuck this attitude out of you." 

"Yeah what you couldn't do on Friday." she answered annoyed. 

"Don't you dare say that again" 

"Or what? You are a coward." she spat. I carried her to my desk and settled her on it. I got rid of that big coat she was having. Did she really think that was going to stop me from undressing her? Pathetic. Her full round breasts a part of her 'personality' no one could ignore. They were just perfect. I tok a handful of her right breast while I was kissing her. The arousal was intense, but I am a gentleman.

I can't fuck her at work like she's a whore or something. I don't know what she is but I know she isn't.

Again I stopped what I was doing. 

This time she didn't look at me in disbelief. She chuckled and grabbed her coat.

"Why do I feel like a deja vu?" she said before getting off the desk with her coat on her shoulder and walked out. 

Amarine's POV

Again he did that to me. Once more. I will start thinking I don't attract men. Always interrupting whenever it gets too good. I couldn't help but think I was the problem. 

It's true. I am the problem. Who would give in so easily to her boss? He surely thought I was a whore or something like that.

Why am I such an idiot? Anyways I got the solution.

From henceforth our relationship will be purely professional. Nothing more, maybe less.

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