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I let my phone fall. I don't know, maybe gravity had control over me. A rush of emotions ran through my body. What was the appropriate one? How could I express it once I figured it out? 

I didn't say a word, like I was void of emotions. I can't even remember last time we talked. Did I say I love him? Did I tell him anything about what has been going on lately in my life? Or was I just too selfish and self-centered to say "hi" once in a while? Guilt. Guilt was the first emotion I understood. The guilt of always being too busy to care about others. Too focused to even take a look and update my relatives. Why though? Why was I so used to be alone? 

My doorbell rang and I got up to let whoever decided to come at this moment know I don't give a single shit about whatever they are here for. I opened the door, ready to spank but Ademir was the one standing infront of me. I didn't speak though, I stayed quiet. I couldn't say anything senseful so I preferred to shut up. He looked confused and when he decided to say something my vision got blurred and I  blacked out.

"Amarine? Amarine?" Is all what I remember. 


I woke up in a hospital bed. I tried to raise my body but my connected arm was paining me. I looked around and saw Ademir, clearly frightened.

"Ademir?" I said as I tried to get my vision clear. "Why am I here?"

He stood up and rushed to me. "Baby. Fuck are you good? Any doctor?" He yelled.

"Where is my dad? Where is he? I need to see him. I've got things to tell him" I said as I started disconnecting all those wires on me. I wasn't the one needing help but my dad.

"No stop" he said as he tried to seize my hands. "You've been off for almost a day. You need to rest" 

"Rest? Are you kidding me? Someone is out there saying my dad is dead and you want to restrict me from trying to understand what is going on?" I yelled. I felt my heart pulsating faster. I couldn't live without my dad. Nothing could ever be normal.

"It was just a scammer. When you fainted the person continued talking and they said they need seventy five thousand dollars to give him his treatment."

So I fainted because of a bloody scammer?

"But it's okay I had the person tracked for. Now all you need is to rest. Nothing more." he took the blanket and put it on me. "Now I'll have to call the doctors for all these infusers you've removed"

"Ugh these scammers" I said as I fell back on the bed. I never experienced it before and honestly I want it to be the first and last time.

"You must really like your dad huh" he said facing the clear brown tiles on the floor.

"Of course. I mean, I know people have different family backgrounds but my dad always gave me the best and for that I am forever grateful to him." I said as I smiled, relieved of the pain that took over me when I heard the "bad news". I looked at him and realized his question wasn't really a question. He wondered why I felt so bad. "What about you?" 

"Well uhm I would say he never really did something remarkable apart from lending me all his properties." he said still facing down. I coud feel he wasn't ready to talk about it so I couldn't insist. Men always knew how to build and ice barrier protecting their deepest thoughts and secrets.

"Okay. Well that is already something you should be grateful about. Talking about inheritance, what is that family business all about?"

"Some movements in and out of the country" he answered briefly.

"Uhh yeah but- " I started asking when the doctor entered.

"Good morning lady and to you Mr Araùjo" he stated politely "I come in with good news. Nothing abnormal has been observed." I had no clue his family name was that sexy. Araurro.

"Did you check twice?" Ademir asked.

"I did a complete check sir. Now all what she needs is some rest. The adrenaline nearly caused a heart-attack. I don't know what made it not to, but what I can say is that you're very lucky Miss Amarine" 

So I nearly died because of a scammer?

"I knew it since the day I only got cool games out of my Kinder Joy box" I joked. He had a light laugh then said bye. He surely has tens of patients to visit. 

Ademir's phone rang and he quickly picked like he was waiting for it.

"Found her?" he asked to the person at the other line. He murmured something in Espéranto and ended the call.

"Who is that? The scammer?" I asked worried. Not that the person had a particular reason for doing this but at least I wanted to know who Ademir was planning to sue.

"Yes. We'll let the police in charge of that." he answered putting his phone in his pocket.

"We? Who is we?" 

"My men. You need to eat by the way. I don't want you to spend another 24 hours without swallowing something"

Why was he being so cute though? Sometimes I just couldn't understand why.

"I assume you have to leave." I said annoyed.

"I do. Communicate whatever you want to eat to Enrique. He will enter as I step out" he came closer to me and brushed my lips with his "I could have kissed you but morning breath isn't really my style" he winked and I smiled.

"Bye then" I said swaying my right hand.


Ademir's POV

"Did you get any information from her?" I asked as I walked in the basement.

"Nothing sir. She refused to say a single one and we couldn't force her without your consent." Pablo stated.
I sighed. I hated the idea of using violence with a woman. I approached her trying to recognize her, but in vain.
"Tell me, woman. I don't think you want us to go the hard way. As you heard, I'm very sensitive to a woman suffering."
She looked at me, surely mesmerized by my body just by the look in her eyes but still didn't let out a word. I sighed, forced to get closer.

"Do you really want me to repeat myself?" I asked leaning on the chair on which her hands and legs where tightly held captive.

"Oh please, Ademir. Do I look like all those women wrapped around your finger?" She asked seemingly bored. That was just acting. I could feel her arousal.

"Yes, I think so" I murmured in her ear. "Now, tell me."

"Is your pretty girlfriend better? I heard she was in a hospital" she said with a smile.

"You're playing with fire"

"What? Did I touch a sensitive part? Are you madly in love?"

Teasing me. Nobody ever succeeded to do that. I've encountered numerous journalists. She didn't even have the key words.

"Just because I slept with her more than once doesn't mean she's my girlfriend. In fact, it just proves how much of an available candy to everyone she is."

No emotion. This is what I learned from this industry. Though I had very strong and undeniable feelings for Amarine, I couldn't let them see that if not that would be my downfall.

"Why did you that. I doubt it's because of money. You look way too smart for that."

"Oh a compliment from the head of the Araùjo family. What an honor." She Saïd sarcatiscally.

"The information you just gave now is enough. Thanks for your collaboration." I said as I started walking out but then stopped and turned to the men guarding her. "I don't want to hear her voice ever again. Seize what helps her to make it audible." I added before I walked out.

One of my men followed me.

"Boss." He called.


"Her phone and devices have been successfully hacked. We've got a huge problem."

A/N : So hey guyssss. Damn I really posted it two weeks later bruhhh. Anywaysss I wanted to say I'm so happy when i see new readers. I've got two from Indonesia I think, another one in Malaysia, Greece, Denmark and even Nigeria!! I am sending big kisses to y'all. You don't even imagine how much of a happy girl I am. I love y'all and I fw y'all❤️.

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