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「 ✦ STRANGER ✦ 」

JUNE 5TH, 2024

Caitlin was sent back to the hotel after not being cleared to continue with practice, given she had nearly concussed herself like an idiot. That is her first and last time ever drinking that heavily with practice the next day. Actually, she vows that is her last time ever drinking again, that moment alone filling her with enough embarrassment and shame for the rest of her life.

She lays in her hotel bed, having stripped herself of everything from the waist up except for her sports bra. Her head had finally stopped pounding, and her body had finally stopped spinning about twenty minutes ago. Now she was just waiting on the nauseating feeling to go away, already having choked down half a sleeve of saltines and a gatorade.

She knew why she was really nauseous though. Just as Nalyssa said, she needed to talk to Isa. This was becoming too common of an occurrence, and it was getting draining. Also now with knowing that she also spilled the beans to her teammates, she felt even more inclined to figure it the fuck out.

After a short yet intensely fought mental battle, she picks up her phone. When she hits call, it rings a little longer than she wishes it to, those few extra seconds leaving her with enough time to remember what their conversation was going to consist of. A whole lot of digging back up old memories and events, majority of them being bad.

"Hello?" Isa answers, the sound of water heard in the background.

"I'm sorry, are you busy? I can call back." Caitlin says.

The water sound comes to a halt. "No, no, you're okay, I'm just finishing up running a bath. What's up?"

"I should probably call back, I don't want to ruin your relaxation time."

"Oh. You want to talk?" Isa asks.

"I don't necessarily want to, more like we have to." Caitlin corrects.

"Okay, just give me a second." Isa says, placing the phone down. Caitlin listens intently, hearing the faint noise of what she figures to be Isa's clothes hitting the ground. She finds herself losing her train of thought, imagining the girl undressing, but quickly reminds herself of the real issue at hand.

"Sorry, I'm back." Isa says.

"Do you remember our first kiss?" Caitlin asks, jumping straight in.

"What?" Isa asks, taken off guard.

"Our first kiss, Isa, do you remember it?"

"Caitlin, is this really necessary?" Isa asks. She doesn't receive a response, meaning Caitlin really wants her to answer, and now Isa knows exactly where this conversation is going. "Caitlin, don't do this."

"You said we needed to talk about everything, so let's start there. When was our first kiss?"

Isa shakes her head as if the girl can see her. "We said we'd never talk about it."

"Yeah and look where that's fucking gotten us Isa."

"Don't curse at me." Isa asserts.

"Oh my God." Caption laughs dryly." It's always what you want, huh? Listen to me Caitlin, do as I say Caitlin. I'm tired of the bullshit, I'm going to curse when I want to Isa, I'm a grown fucking woman."

STRANGER - CAITLIN CLARKWhere stories live. Discover now