Secret glances

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Travis's POV

Moving in with the swifts was an offer I almost couldn't take. I live in Kansas City while they live in Burbank. It's a long flight but I really had no where else to go.

Andrew had one kid with his wife. Taylor. She's a smart energetic young kid. Or she was. I haven't seen her in a while. So yesterday when I saw her I was a little shocked. She's beautiful. I had seen the pictures Andrew posted online of her every once in a while. I knew she was pretty, but goddamn. Fresh adult life looks good on her.

I never really noticed her until now. She's always been a bundle of energy waiting to explode, now she's shy, more reserved. Or maybe she's just like that with me. All I know is that the next couple months are gonna be fun.

The guest room I'm going to be staying in is pretty nice, it has its own bathroom and walk in closet. Andrew informed me before I arrived that he would be taking Blake on a surprise weekend trip to the beach. Leaving me alone to watch Taylor.

He also said he hadn't told Taylor yet. From what I've heard, Taylor has a bit of an attachment to Blake. They go everywhere together, they also look like twins.

I didn't mind them leaving, I insisted that I could watch her for them. Taylors 19 but she hasn't moved out yet, she's attending New York University online, since she didn't want to leave her mother by going to New York.

"Hey man." A voice interrupted my train of thoughts as I was unpacking. I turn around to see Andrew walking into the bedroom.

"So I just wanted to talk to you about this weekend." He says walking over to me.

"Yeah okay." I say nodding my head to show I was listening even though I didn't slow my movements in unpacking my shit.

"So we're leaving late Friday night and coming back early Monday morning. Taylor usually stays in her room mostly, since she has all her school things to do. So she shouldn't be too hard to watch. Just make sure she gets dinner and everything, she tends to forget to eat and blakes really worried about her not eating while we're gone." He says.

"Yeah I can do that. Does she have any favorite foods I could get or make?" I ask.

"She fucking loves chicken tenders, reminds me of when she was little. She also likes pasta, any kind. And uhm, that's it really. Our pantry's stocked with snacks so you both should be set while we're gone."

"Yeah that sounds good. I'll try my best to keep her alive while you're gone." I laugh.

"Thanks man." Andrew claps me on the back as he leaves.

• • •

A few hours later I hear a little knock on my door.

"Dinners ready if you wanna come down." I hear Taylor's small voice from behind the door. Her footsteps walk off before I could respond.

I get up and open the door, walking down the hallway and into the kitchen where everyone is sat at the table. I can also see Taylor looking at me as I take the seat next to her, but when I make eye contact she immediately looks away. I mean, I would too. She hardly knows me and I'm not even sure if she remembers me fully if at all.

"Taylor could you pass the salt?" I ask once we've all plated up our food.

"Hm?" She hums a few seconds later.

"Salt darling?" I say again and she quickly moves to pass it to me, her hand brushing mine slightly.

"Sorry." She mumbles.

"Thank you." I say and watch her cheeks flush a very subtle pink. A tiny detail you would only notice if you were staring at her, which I was.

"Travis?" She says quietly after dinner, as we're cleaning up everything. And gosh my name coming out of her lips did things to me, things it shouldn't have.

"Yeah?" I say taking the plates from her hands and loading them into the dish washer.

"You do football right?"

"Yes I do." I say, kind of confused.

"I uhm have to build a mini scale of a stadium for my engineering class and I wanted to do arrowhead since it's the only stadium I've ever been to... and I just wanted to know if you could help me with the details? I know you're probably busy though." She says while fiddling with her fingers.

"I'm not busy at all, I could totally help you." I say shutting the dishwasher and turning to look at her.

"Really? I don't want to be a bother." She insists.

"Yeah I would love to help you. Arrowhead is like my second home and I know it inside and out. It would be fun to help." I say, trying to prove that she's not a bother at all.

"Thank you so much, I already have most of it built but I have to paint it and finish the rest." She says and I nod my head, getting enchanted by her more confident voice. The loudest I've heard her speak while I've been here.

"Mhm, want to go do it now or later?" I ask her.

"Probably now since it's due tomorrow..." she says with a smile.

"Oh, doing things last minute I see?" I tease her as I follow her down the hall.

"Shut up." She giggles, pushing the door to her room open

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