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Taylors POV

"Holy shit..." I moan, leaning my head back on the seat. Travis's head whips over to look at me, clearly surprised at my sound. I look at him as my face turns beat red.

"Oh my gosh.. I'm so sorry... these are just so good." I say popping another piece of popcorn chicken into my mouth.

Travis just laughs while shaking his head. He moved to out his fry's on top of his lap. Kinda weird since he's probably gonna get salt everywhere but it's not my car so I don't really care what he does.

"My parents are evil for depriving me of this." I say finishing my food.

"Yeah? I think they just want to keep you safe from like food dyes or whatever." He says, shoving the last bite of his chicken sandwich in his mouth and crumbling up the wrapper.

"Damn... that was so good." I sigh, putting all our trash into the paper bag.

"Don't worry girl. We'll do this as often as possible while I'm here." Travis says and I look up at him. I know he definitely meant it innocently but to me it sounded like a date.

Travis's POV

After the words came out of my mouth I realized I shouldn't have said that. It sounded a bit wrong. I just hope Taylor thinks of it innocently because I know damn well I wasn't thinking of it like that.

I turn the car back on and shift the gear into drive. I pull out of the parking lot and begin on the main road back to the house.

"Want me to throw your fry's away?" Taylor asks me. my gaze drops to the small box of French fries still sitting over my crotch.

"Uhm.. no it's fine, I'm gonna eat them when we get back to the house. Just needed to let my stomach settle a bit." I say. I think we all know it's there to hide my boner from Taylor. Fuck. That little moan she let slip earlier had me weak. I just wanted to get on my knees and show Taylor how a man should treat her. But I didn't.

"Wanna watch a movie when we get home? Mom and dad just bought ice cream." Taylor says, putting her feet up on my dashboard.

"That's not very safe." I say.

"What? Ice cream and a movie? I personally think that's very safe." She giggles.

"No, not that. Your feet on the dashboard. If we were to crash it would break your legs." I mumble, pulling into the driveway.

"Oh, I guess you're right." She says and sits back up straight with her feet down on the floor.

"Sorry." She whispers.

"It's okay, I don't mind but I just don't want you getting hurt." I say and park the car, getting out and opening Taylor's door before she could.

"You stepping up and treating me like a princess since my dad's gone?" She smirks.

"Just the bare minimum a gentleman does for a lady..." I say and shut the door behind her.

"I'll get the ice cream. You pick the movie!" Taylor shouts, running up into the house as I walk. I smile and shake my head as I watch her fling the door open, almost getting knocked back in the process.

If only she was a few years older, and not my best friend's daughter. Fuck. She's like the perfect woman. She's pretty, smart, kind, generous, and do easy to get along with. How she doesn't have a million boys running after her baffles me to my core.

I close the front door behind me, locking it then taking my shoes off next to Taylor's Uggs that were clearly kicked off since one is seven feet away from the other.

I walk over and grab the stray shoe, placing it next to the other one off to the side of the door.

The sound of the freezer opening causes a smile to spread across my face again. I walk over to the couch and turn the tv on. Skimming through a few different movies before landing on '50 first dates'. I click play and pause it as I wait for Taylor.

"You good darling?" I shout.

"Mhm!" She hums loudly and I can hear her bare feet walking across the hardwood floor towards me.

She hands me a spoon and sets the tub of rocky road between us. Unfortunately she's sitting a friendly distance away from me.

I press play on the movie and she stabs the ice cream with her spoon, only able to get a small amount on her spoon since it's still pretty frozen.

One hour and forty-six minutes. One hour and forty-six minutes of quiet, of course I kept glancing at Taylor. How could I not? I've heard girls always talk in about how they their hate side profiles but how could anyone hate hers? She's gorgeous. Her long eyelashes and the subtle swoop of her nose. Her rosy lips that she tends to chew the inside of.

The small sound of our spoons hitting each others caught my attention every once in a while. We'd finished the whole gallon of ice cream, which I know would give us both a stomach ache later but it's fine.

"I like Adam Sandler." She whispers as the credits roll.

"Yeah?" I ask, looking down at her. We've gotten a little closer over the duration of the movie.

"Mhm, him and his wife seem really nice. Also all his movies are just really good." She says with a smile.

"You know I know Adam right?" I say and her jaw drops.

"Liar." She says tilting her head to the side.

"I'm not kidding girl. Me and my brother had him on our podcast once. Nice guy." I say truthfully.

"Oh my gosh. You know Adam freaking Sandler?!" She shouts and I nod my head laughing.

"How many other celebrities do you know?" She asks me, still beaming with excitement.

"Hm, I know Post Malone, and Miles Teller, Ryan Reynolds, and... Taylor Swift." I say putting my arm the back of the couch.

"I'm not a celebrity." She giggles.

"I've heard you singing before. If you just get it out there then you could be the biggest singer in the world Taylor." I say wholeheartedly.

"I dunno..." she sighs.

"Come on. Just start by posting a video to the internet or whatever. I'm serious Taylor. You could make it big." I say looking at her as she looks at her lap, twisting her fingers together.

"Okay.. I might." She says shrugging her shoulders.

Then she looks up at me. I didn't realize how close I gotten to her until this moment. The moment I kissed her.

A/N thank you miss shiningjustforyou13 for giving me the movie suggestion since I couldn't think of one on my own

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