Walls inbetween us

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Taylors POV

He kissed me. Only for a few seconds before we pulled back. The look of horror on his face crushed me.

"Oh my god..." he whispers.

"Travis..." I say. I don't know what to say. How am I supposed to tell him that I want more? That I need more?

"Taylor I'm sorry... that wasn't, I'm sorry." He says getting up off the couch and walking down the hall quickly.

"Wait!" I shout but he disappears, a couple seconds later I hear his bedroom door shut.

I wanted this so bad but, not like this. I guess that confirms that he definitely does not like me. But then again why would he kiss me? God he's so perfect. I know he's like double my age but gosh, I can't seem to get him out of my mind. I just want to run after him and kiss him again, and again.

I slump back against the couch, running my thumb across my bottom lip. I don't know what I'm supposed to do now. This is gonna be awkward as hell.

Looking around I realize that the living room is a bit of a mess so I pick up the two blankets we were using and fold them up, shoving them in the basket.

The small brown stain on the couch from the ice cream catches my attention.

"Ah shit." I mumble. Grabbing the two spoons and ice cream container I throw both away, not caring that we're down two spoons, I just don't have the energy to wash them.

I grab a wet rag and go over to the couch, crouching down and scrubbing the stain away. Lovely that my parents decided to get a white couch.

After I cleaned up I slowly and carefully walked down the hallway to my bedroom. Travis's door was literally inches next to mine and I know that sometimes my door squeaks.

Not that I care but, I do care. I don't even want to be acknowledged by him anymore. He must've gone to his bedroom to scrub his mouth out, that would explain why he left so quickly.

I'm not a catch. I don't see myself as very pretty. I have crazy hair and I'm taller than most boys my age, guys have always told me I'm too loud, too much, too expressive.

I really thought that maybe Travis was different than that. That maybe since he's older he's more mature, maybe he'd like me. Maybe not.

I open the door to my bedroom, super slowly. Getting it ajar enough to slip in and shut the door behind me.

I instantly jump onto my bed, crawling under the blankets and finally letting myself cry. It was just a kiss, so why am I so pissed off?

Travis's POV

I kissed her. I can't believe I did that. I looked at her, then kissed her.

I can't do that to her. When we pulled back she looked scared. I scared her. It was obvious that she didn't want me to kiss her. I just let my self control slip.

My best friends daughter. It's so wrong but I want it so much. She's half my age, I remember how stupid I was when I was 19.

She's so young and naïve, I feel like I just violated her. I mean, I don't know what her experience with guys is, what if that was her first kiss? Or her millionth and she hated it.

A couple minutes after I ran out of the living room I hear her bedroom door shut. She seemed to be doing everything slowly and quietly to not make noise but I'm leaning my back against my closed door, unable to move.

I don't know if I want to go after her and confess my feelings or just pretend it never happened. I can't take back what I did but I can ignore it... right?

The room is silent. Only the faint sound of the stupid clock ticking away in the distance. Until I hear small cry's. I'm not crying. It must be Taylor.

"I'm such a piece of shit." I whisper to myself.

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