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"Good morning, Papa!"

Arabella said as she plopped herself down in a coushioned straight-backed chair. She reached for her cup of milk, realizing how thirsty she was. Her father smiled at her over his paper.

  "Morning, pet. Did you sleep well?"

  Arabella nodded. "Yes, sir." She smiled. "I'm so glad we've come back to New York. I'd missed it."

  "I'm sorry to hear that you didn't like it in Chicago. I don't know why you love New York so much. But I'm glad you're enjoying it here again." He replied, popping a grape into his mouth.

  "I thought today I might go shopping with Maime?"

  Her father cleared his throat, chewing slowly. "I don't know. It's been very hot lately and I don't want you to faint or get sick."

  Arabella snickered. "When have you known me to swoon. Really, Papa, how silly do you think I am?"

  He shook his head. "No I mean fainting from the heat. Like actually fainting simply because you got too hot. It's been so hot this past week, I've heard that some folks here have died. I don't want you to join them."

  Arabella sat still, considering his words. "I understand. What if I promise to take an umbrella and drink lots of water?"

  He stared at her for a second. "Alright.."

  Arabella shot up from her chair. He held up a hand. "On one more condition."

  Arabella slowly lowered herself to the chair.

  "I want you to take her sister with you."

  Arabella wrinkled her nose. "Oh, Papa, not Juliana."

  Papa threw her a confused look. "And why not?"

  "She so dull. And she makes doe eyes at every young man that looks her way. She looks ridiculous, let me tell you."

  "We'll, it's either her or staying home."

  Arabella sighed in aggravation. "Alright, Papa. We'll take Juliana."

  Later, Arabella met up with Maime and Juliana. Maime gave Arabella her tightest hug, grinning from ear to ear. "Oh, I've been so excited for this all day."

  Juliana turned her nose up at Arabella. "Come girls we don't have all day. I don't want to melt in this atrocious heat." She waved a delicate fan in her left hand, eyes scanning the streets.

  Arabella nodded. "Alright, let's start at Mr. Macintosh's hat shop."

  For the greater part of the morning, the girls flew in one shop and out another. Juliana followed at a much slower pace, still fanning herself, faster and faster as the morning wore on.

  "Maime, look over there!" Arabella halted on the sidewalk, her green eyes catching sight of someone ahead of them.

  Maime looked ahead and squinted. "It's just a newsie. What about him?"

  "He's got a crutch."

  Maime gave her a confused look. "Yeah. Many newsies have disabilities. What if it? Come let's go see if Hames has a new catalog."

  Arabella nodded. "Sure, you go look. I'm going to stay here a minute."

  Juliana sniffed. "Come, Maime. She'll come in a little bit."

  Maime followed her sister into the shop behind them. Arabella stepped closer to a lamppost and leaned her head on it, watching the boy before her. He looked to be about 17 or 18. He was tall and skinny. His clothes weren't the cleanest but they were neat. He had newsie cap a top his curls, in a jaunty fashion. He hawked out the headlines, smiling at everyone who came to get a newspaper from him. She watched as he leaned heavily on his crutch, balancing papers in his other arm.

  Arabella glanced both ways down the street, and crossed quickly. She reached the corner where he stood, hands behind her back. She suddenly felt shy, which was strange. Guys normally didn't affect her this way. She had always been confident in their presence.

  "Hello." She said softly.

  He turned and flashed her an adorable smile. Reaching for a paper, he pulled one out and held it out to her. "Why, hello there, Miss. Would you like a pape?"

  Arabella took it, fishing a dime out of her coin purse. "Thank you."

  He took the coin and smiled at her again. But she couldn't move. She kept staring at his eyes, his smile. When he became uncomfortable, he offered his right hand. "I'm Crutchie. What's your name?"

  "I'm Arabella Montgomery." They shook, and she admired the solidity of his handshake.

  "Crutchie can't be your real name." Arabella said, figuring it was because of his crutch.

  Crutchie shook his head. "You's right, but I don't mind being called Crutchie." He went silent for a second and she felt bad that she had brought it up. Maybe he didn't care for his real name.

  "Me real name's Casey. Casey Morris."

  Arabella smiled. "I like it. Casey fits you."

  Crutchie smiled. "Thanks."

  Arabella glanced back across the street to see Maime waving wildly for her to come. Arabella nodded and waved back. Then she turned back to Crutchie. "Sorry, I interrupted your work. My name's Arabella by the way."

  Crutchie shook his head. "No, I rather enjoyed the interruption." He smiled again and she was blown away by the purity in his smile. She waved quickly and rushed across the street meeting Maime on the other side. She glanced around for Juliana. "Where's your sister?"

  Maime rolled her eyes. "She found a man to talk to. She'll be out in about a couple years."

  Arabella smiled despite herself. Maime noticed and shoved her in the shoulder. "Why are you smiling? It's not funny. She needs to get a new hobby."

  Arabella bit her lips together. "It's nothing, really."

  Maime glanced across the street. "You can't be smiling about him can you?" She gasped and leaned in. "Arabella, he's poor. And you're rich. Besides he's disabled. Do you want a guy who can't walk right?"

  Arabella sighed. "You're right. I don't know why I thought that..." she laughed. "Let's go get your sister."

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