Chapter 4 Clash of Minds

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The morning sun peeked through the curtains of Zain's bedroom, casting a golden hue on his desk cluttered with blueprints and documents. The alarm buzzed relentlessly, breaking the silence of dawn. Zain groaned, reaching out to silence the noise. He had a packed day ahead—a seminar at KC College on mental health, but before that, he had to pick up his parents from the airport.

"Zara, you ready?" Zain called out, adjusting his cufflinks in the mirror.

"Give me two minutes!" Zara's voice echoed from her room.

Zain sighed, shaking his head. Zara was always late, but he didn't mind today. It had been a while since their parents had gone on a trip, and he knew how much Zara missed them.

At the airport, Zain spotted his parents among the crowd. Ashraf Aly, with his commanding presence and the aura of a man who had built an empire from the ground up, stood next to his elegant wife, Fatima, who looked as radiant as ever.

"Baba! Ammi!" Zara squealed, rushing towards them.

Zain followed, a rare smile on his face. The reunion was warm, filled with laughter, hugs, and stories of Paris. After the greetings and the inevitable questions about work, Zain suggested, "How about brunch at Poetry? It's not far from here."

"That sounds lovely," Fatima agreed, linking her arm with Ashraf's.

Poetry Café in Mumbai was a quaint little place, known for its cozy ambiance and delightful menu. The family settled into a corner booth, where the conversation flowed as easily as the coffee. Zain listened as his parents shared anecdotes from their trip, but his mind kept drifting to the seminar ahead.

"Zain, you've been awfully quiet," Ashraf observed, taking a sip of his coffee. "Everything okay?"

"Just thinking about the seminar at KC College," Zain replied. "Our company is sponsoring it, and I'll be speaking."

Fatima smiled proudly. "You always do well in these things."

Zain nodded, though his mind was elsewhere. The mention of the seminar brought a slight unease—he couldn't quite place it, but something about today felt different.

The drive to KC College was uneventful, but as Zain approached the entrance, his mood began to lift. The architecture of the college was remarkable, a blend of old-world charm and modern design. It was the kind of place that inspired creativity, and Zain couldn't help but appreciate the aesthetics.

As he stepped out of the car, a young woman from the college's organizing committee greeted him with a bouquet of flowers. "Welcome, Mr. Aly. We're honored to have you here."

"Thank you," Zain replied, accepting the flowers. He glanced around, taking in the vibrant atmosphere. Students were milling about, excited and chattering, and the overall vibe was positive.

He was escorted to the stage, where he took his seat, scanning the room. Just as he was getting comfortable, the doors at the back opened, and in walked the psychologist hired by his company to lead the seminar. His heart sank.

"Why her, of all people?" he muttered under his breath.

Dua strode confidently towards the podium, her presence commanding attention. Zain felt a familiar annoyance rising within him. Their last encounter hadn't exactly been pleasant, and he wasn't looking forward to a repeat performance.

The seminar began, with Dua delivering a presentation on mental health. She was articulate, passionate, and undeniably good at what she did. But Zain couldn't shake the frustration gnawing at him. Every point she made seemed to challenge him, every slide felt like a personal affront.

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