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(Mentions of abuse)

Hero Public Safety Commission
Police Report

Date: August 24, XXXX
Incident Number: 2048-MHA-092
Location: Musutafu Highway, Exit 12
Reporting Officer: Officer Tetsuya Hori, Badge #8765
Supervising Detective: Detective Haruto Sato, Badge #2234


Incident Summary:

At approximately 18:20 hours, a five-year-old girl was discovered alone on the side of Musutafu Highway near Exit 12 by two off-duty pro heroes, Eraser Head (Shota Aizawa) and Present Mic (Hizashi Yamada). The girl appeared to be in distress and exhibited signs of physical injury. The heroes promptly transported the child to Musutafu General Hospital and notified local law enforcement.

Details of the Incident:

Eraser Head and Present Mic were returning from a personal engagement when they noticed a young girl, later identified only as Y/N (last name unknown), walking alone near the highway. The child was barefoot, wearing a torn and dirty dress, and appeared to be disoriented. The heroes immediately stopped to assist her.

Y/N was initially unresponsive to questions and seemed reluctant to communicate. The heroes noted visible bruises on her arms, legs, and face, as well as minor lacerations on her hands and feet. Suspecting possible neglect or abuse, they transported the child to Central Hospital for medical evaluation and contacted the Musutafu Police Department.


Injuries and Medical Evaluation:

Visible Injuries: Multiple bruises on both arms and legs, varying in size and in different stages of healing. Bruising and swelling around the right eye. Lacerations on the palms of both hands and the soles of her feet, consistent with walking barefoot on rough surfaces. Small cut on the lower lip, partially healed. Medical Report: Pending full examination by hospital staff. Initial evaluation suggests signs of neglect and potential physical abuse.


Investigation and Findings:

Identity: The child provided the name "Y/N" but was unable to recall her last name. She could not provide any information regarding her guardians or how she came to be on the highway. Search Efforts: Officers canvassed the surrounding area and contacted nearby towns and cities. No reports of a missing child matching Y/N's description have been filed. Database Checks: No matching records found in national missing persons databases.Witness Statements: No witnesses have come forward with information regarding the child's appearance on the highway. No vehicles or suspicious activity were reported in the vicinity at the time of discovery. Further Investigation: Detectives are pursuing leads regarding possible abandonment or trafficking. Efforts to locate the child's family or guardians are ongoing.—————————————————————————————————————————————————-

Evidence Collected:

Photographic Evidence: Photos of the child's injuries were taken by hospital staff and logged into evidence.Personal Effects: The child had no personal belongings at the time of discovery.—————————————————————————————————————————————————-

Actions Taken:

Immediate Care: The child was placed under protective custody at Musutafu General Hospital pending further investigation. Hero Involvement: Eraser Head and Present Mic provided full statements regarding the discovery and their actions. Both heroes remain available for further questioning if needed.Coordination with Child Services: Child Protective Services has been notified and is involved in the case.—————————————————————————————————————————————————-

Additional Notes:

The child remains in a state of emotional distress, avoiding communication beyond basic responses. She shows signs of trauma, possibly due to prolonged neglect or abuse. Further psychological evaluation has been requested to assess her mental state and any additional trauma not immediately apparent.—————————————————————————————————————————————————-

Next Steps:

Continue canvassing the area and expanding the search radius for possible witnesses or evidence. Re-assess all known information to explore any potential leads related to missing children in other regions. Maintain ongoing collaboration with the Hero Public Safety Commission and Child Protective Services for the safety and well-being of Y/N.—————————————————————————————————————————————————-

Reporting Officer's Signature:
Officer Tetsuya Hori
Badge #8765

Supervising Detective's Signature:
Detective Haruto Mori
Badge #2234

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