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Amelias POV

I woke up to a shoe to the face. For anyone who wants to know its not a nice way to wake up. I'm about to throw the shoe back at the person but then saw who it was. It was Ginny and she really liked me I don't want to hurt her with the shoe so I just groan.

" Amelia you need to wake up we need to get to the station so you guys can go to Hogwarts." Ginny told me. I was about to complain about not wanting to go in the first place, but Ginny had such a sweet face that I just got up.

I got some clothes and went to the bathroom. I took a shower realizing I needed that to wake me up. Once I got out of the shower I got dressed and went to get my trunk. Once I had everything I would be needing , well everything I own I waited downstairs. It took 10 minutes and some yelling from Molly to get everyone downstairs. Me, Percy, the twins , and Ron all had trunks and Percy had his Prefect badge on.

" All right everyone lets get going we need to get to the station so we make it on time. If any one misses the train you will be walking to Hogwarts this year." Molly looks around at our faces some scared and some amused. " Grab on to Bill me or dad and we will get on our way." The twins grabbed onto Bill,  Ron and Percy grabbed onto Mr. Weasley , while me and Ginny grabbed onto Mrs. Weasley.

I close my eyes not liking the feeling of this way of transportation. when I open them again i am in a station full with mort- or i mean muggles. I look through the croud and see some demigods from camp I was confused and started walking to them. Mrs. weasley and the twins following me. as I get closer I see a poster that says " See you this summer A!!" I also see some of the kids from camp, but no Grover ,Percy, and Annabeth. They must still not be back at least I have some of my other friends.

" Hey guys!" I say excitedly I get a lot of heys and hugs in return. Some of the kids had to go soon so they left but the ones I was close with stayed. Conner, Travis, Silena, and to my surprise Clarisse and my dad.

" Hey hows our favorite prankster?" The Stolls asked. This made Fred and George look at them. I laugh " Im good having to make do with some new pranksters though. Conner, Travis meet Fred and George. if you two did not exist they would be the top pranksters for me. If we are ever in the same place again we all need to do a prank on the prat face maybe Chiron. " I look at their shocked faces. They probably thought they were both the top twin pranksters. Before I can continue they both start talking to each other as if they have known each other for years. I think I made a mistake that everyone will later regret mainly me though.

As they continue to talk I walk over to my dad and sister. " Hey guys why are you here? I kinda thought you guys would be glad I'm gone all year." I look at them for answers but they just look at me shocked.

" Amelia of course I'm sad you are leaving for the year. I may seem mean to you but you are my sister non the less and I will always love you as one. I'm just not that good at showing love so I show it differently. I'm gonna miss you so much lil sis." What she does next shocked me to the core she gave me a hug. Not a side hug a full on hug , but what I did shocked us both I hugged back.

" Clarisse thank you for explaining I needed that thank you. I'll miss you too." I smile at her as she begins to walk away. all that is left is dad. "Hey dad." I started " Sooooo whatcha want?" I ask the god way to calmly for what I was really feeling.

" I know you will be going to Hogwarts and I wanted you to know just how powerful you are. You are an elemental you can control all the elements. I know you can't control all of them, your mother could not control any of them because she did not even know she was and elemental. Being and elemental is not the only reason you are powerful. You have half of a very powerful witch blood in you and you are a Demigod. You have more powers than one can imagine being born with. I would like you to keep training while at Hogwarts. I already asked Dumbles and you will have a training ground where others can learn too. He is adding a class of sword fighting so you and others can all learn to fight the monsters. Only people who want to be a part of this class can be."

Demigod + Witch = Amelia PotterWhere stories live. Discover now