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Time skip to the first task

Charlies POV

I was waiting for Amelia by the tent for the Champions I saw a few others waiting for her too, I was scared for her but I knew she could handle anything, she proved that the other night. What I'm worried about is the whole school knows she is a daughter of Ares, my coworkers don't know that though, they think something else. What if they announce who her dad is, will they report her to the ministry? Well some of my family is here they can maybe vouch for her.  My thoughts were pushed to the back of my head when I saw her walking up with the twins. I smiled at their friendship, they were the best of friends I don't know what they will do next year without her. Probably cause more trouble, I know mom is going to get more letters than normal. I saw the twins give her a hug and walk away , she looked around and then saw me. Her smile could light up a room even when you could see the worry on it.

" To be honest I thought you wouldn't make it to see me before the task." She laughs awkwardly, I'm slightly shocked at her thought." I would never miss this. You need my good luck kiss." I say quite lovey dovey. I got what I wanted out of her, the laugh that I will never get sick of. I open my arms for her and she goes right into them. I hold her tightly knowing that when I let go could be the last time I hold her. " What if I don't make it? What if I get hurt badly?" She asked me voicing my concerns. I had no idea how to answer because that's what I'm worried about, what if she doesn't make it? " Hey don't worry about that right now okay. I've got you and you wont get hurt. Plus that bloody fire can't even hurt you remember." I tell her hoping to raise her spirit. She looks up at me and I can see in her eyes that some of the worry has disappeared.

 I looked down at her need taking over my thoughts I kissed her hard. She was shocked like always but kissed back. We had been that was for a few seconds before we heard a click of a camera. We both pulled away quickly and stepped away from each other but Amelia was still in my arms ( Like with Hermione and Harry in the video above but yk kissing) 

"Well this is quite , stirring. we had no idea the oldest Champion for Hogwarts had a boyfriend. I'm guessing he is a Weasley as you are quite close with their family." said a very annoying voice with a more annoying body. This must be the very famous Rita Skeeter , I'm guessing Amelia has already meant her from the harsh glare she is sending to the lady. She turned on her heels about to go into the tent but before she did she mouthed something to me so Rita could not hear. I love you.

Amelias POV

As I walked into the room I could see everyone already standing there waiting for me. Harry looked at me with wonder in his eyes. " Sorry I'm late everyone had a run in with Skeeter." I tell the others. " Don't worry about it so did your brother." Said Krum in his Bulgarian accent. I shot a look to Harry that I hope he could understand we will talk about later okay? he must have understood because he nodded and gave me the same look. I nodded back to him. 

Bagman was  in front of us with a bag which I had a feeling had the small dragons that we had to fight. He was giving us instructions but I did not listen as my mind was somewhere else. Me and Charlie. What If Skeeter made a paper of me and Charlie? what of Harry and whoever he was caught with? What would the Weasleys think? Ginny had not told everyone like we had thought so only Molly, Ginny, Fred and George, and Bill knew. We had told them when we entered the kitchen that night that Charlie had only been over me so he could lay down no other reason. I doubt Hermione  believed that, but Percy, Ron, Arthur, and Harry can be clueless so they might not know. ( if that does not add up I'm so sorry i don't remember what I wrote exactly so I'm guessing I'm so sorry rn) He held out the bag to me and my thoughts came back. I picked up a dragon and knew what it was immediately .

 " The Hungarian Horntail." I say the same time as Bagman. He gave me a questioning look so I told him. " When I graduate I want to work with dragons in Romania I actually already have a job waiting for me there as I have already finished my NEWTs once this is done I can go there." I tell them. Some had shocked looks but Harry smiled and threw an arm around me." and that's my sister for you, she took her OWLs in her fourth year and that was her first year here. Its weird she can know anything without ever hearing of it before. She knew what tonks was before she even knew what she was, its crazy." Harry told them and smiled up at me proudly I smiled back at him with the same amount of love he has always given me.

I saw in his hand the Swedish short snout, and a number one I'm guessing he s going first. I gave him a hug before he walked into the arena. He came back into the tent with a few cuts and scrapes but nothing major. The next was fleur who walked in and came out with only a burn to the skirt. Then Krum walked in. The bastard blinded the dragon and it broke some of its eggs. I saw Charlie come in the to the tent with some of his coworkers and they were yelling at him. Charlie saw me about to walk in and gave me a frightened look I smiled at him and walked into the arena to face the Hungarian Horntail.

( 1125 words )

I wanted to be evil and leave it on a cliffhanger, * Insert evil villain laugh* I will try to update later on but idk if I can I will be trying to update my other 2 stories so yeah. Pls vote comment and maybe follow. Don't be a ghost reader, ok bye


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